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USP Compliance

How Transferring Validated HPLC Methods Within USP Guidelines Works

by Waters Corporation
Problem: The topic of technology transfer raises caution with many laboratory managers of analytical laboratories. In routine analysis laboratories, such as QA/QC, the need for continued support of established high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods can significantly outweigh the potential advantages of method modernization, making it exceptionally problematic or undesirable to adopt more modern liquid chromatography (LC) assays or instrumentation such as U(H)PLC ultra-high performance LC.

METTLER TOLEDO’s Weighing Standard Ensures USP Compliance

On the 3rd June, 2013, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) published the revised mandatory Chapter 41 on balances as well as new updates to the advisory Chapter 1251. With just six months to comply, METTLER TOLEDO’s global weighing standard, GWP®, can help pharmaceutical manufacturers and suppliers to meet the new requirements.