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Save up to $300 on EAS Short Courses

The Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS) is offering a discount to those who register before Oct. 15.

by Eastern Analytical Symposium
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SHORT COURSES - A Great Training Opportunity! 

EAS invites you to take part in the courses listed below.  Sign up to guarantee your spot in one of our half-, one- or two-day courses.  

Get training in Skills Planning and Succession Planning and earn CEUs.One of over 25 IACET-accredited courses in the Academy.
Skills Planning and Succession Planning Course

Register before Oct. 15th to receive discounted prices on registration and short courses.   

Knowledge is the key to success in the laboratory enterprise, and the slate of EAS short courses provides real-world, tangible knowledge on a variety of topics. The instructors are experts in their specialties, and they communicate the important, and sometimes esoteric, nature of techniques and problems encountered in everyday laboratory work. Check out the 36 offerings this year, including a wide variety of courses on GC, MS, HPLC and vibrational spectroscopy, as well as safety and compliance.  You are sure to find topics that will provide essential knowledge and enhance your career in analysis.  

Click here to register