Shimadzu offers precision instruments and solutions across industries, emphasizing accuracy and excellence in scientific exploration and analysis. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Shimadzu empowers scientists to make significant advancements in their research and contribute to various fields.Documents by Shimadzu
This application note from Shimadzu explores use of UV-Vis and FTIR in monitoring and characterizing gold nanoparticles.
| 1 min read
This application note from Shimadzu will show you a quick and easy way to screen for residual pesticides in food.
| 1 min read
Various types of synthetic colorants are used as food additives, and gradient elution is generally used to analyze them. The Nexera UHPLC (Shimadzu) enables stable, ultrafast gradient elution through accurate solution delivery and the use of a high--efficiency gradient mixer.
| 2 min read
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