Content by University of Connecticut
Plant stem cells could support human growth and development
| 2 min read
The warmer, wetter, and homogenous climate of the past may soon return for the eastern seaboard
| 4 min read
New study could push back the age of archery in Europe and shed new light on weaponry of Neanderthal populations
| 3 min read
This is one of the first studies helping give cheese producers more tools to keep their products safe
| 3 min read
Bringing a technique that has been a boon to other plants to the budding cannabis industry
| 3 min read
Engineers have designed a non-toxic, biodegradable device that can help medication move from blood vessels into brain tissues
| 2 min read
Atomic force microscopes are designed to investigate surfaces
| 4 min read
Seal lungs can take a terrible pounding when one of the mammals leaves the surface
| 2 min read
Newly documented behavioral changes in "zombie" cicadas infected with fungus
| 3 min read
Research could explain why gum disease is associated with atherosclerosis
| 3 min read
Researchers have discovered that our chromosomes also wrinkle with age, changing how our immune system renews itself
| 2 min read
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