Resource Guides by University of Copenhagen
New method for upgrading quantum computers allows them to simulate molecular behavior
| 3 min read
OSER1 may open doors to new treatments of age-associated diseases
| 2 min read
Two samples from Mars deliver the "smoking gun" in a study showing the origin of Martian organic material
| 4 min read
Research finds that people and environment both benefit from diversified farming, while bottom lines also thrive
| 4 min read
Even a minor rise in sea temperature has profound implications for the big bear
| 3 min read
In a new research result, scientists demonstrate the potential of fermentation for producing climate-friendly cheeses
| 4 min read
Human activity is increasing the risk of dramatic changes to Earth conditions
| 3 min read
Understanding how ecosystems change could help guide management of biodiversity crises
| 3 min read
Proteins combined with polyphenols may fight inflammation
| 3 min read
The discovery suggests that kilonovae simulations have been lacking important physics
| 4 min read
Study reveals how powerful researchers use their position to gain co-authorships without merit
| 4 min read
iDEMS will be useful in profiling methylation and hydroxymethylation dynamics in different cellular contexts
| 3 min read
It might be necessary to simulate thousands of years of climate change on large models to reliably evaluate them
| 2 min read
The method is far more sustainable than existing brewing techniques
| 2 min read
Declining sense of smell among older adults is more complex than once believed
| 3 min read
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