Lab Manager | Run Your Lab Like a Business

Digital Event: Lab Manager Safety Digital Summit

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Lab Manager Safety Digital Summit
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Strategies for Safer Science

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Lab safety is a non-negotiable aspect of management, since a moment of carelessness can result in tragedy. Thoughtful lab safety programs protect personnel, equipment, and products. Adhering to a safety program keeps the lab running smoothly without costly or dangerous interruptions. Lab managers must develop a toolbox of useful skills to not only create and implement a lab safety program, but also promote staff compliance to these guidelines. 

Lab Manager will host its Safety Digital Summit on November 9-10, featuring expert speakers with experience in lab management and lab safety. They will share personal stories and strategies to help you create and maintain a safe working environment in your lab, so you can protect both the physical and mental health of yourself and your staff. Learn how to properly assess levels of risk in your lab, maintain and operate equipment in the proper way, safeguard the emotional well-being of everyone in your lab, and more. Audience members will be invited to participate in a Q&A with speakers during each session, as they gather information to take back to their own labs and improve their own experiences.

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