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2016 Glassware Washer Survey Results

Whether to employ central washing stations or point-of-use washers located under a lab bench or in a corner is something that has to be addressed with regards to laboratory glassware washers. The former provide an economy of scale and are popular with lab workers who, almost universally, hate to “wash the dishes.” The downside for central washing stations is that glassware tends to disappear over time, due to breakage and operator error.

Trevor Henderson, PhD

Trevor Henderson BSc (HK), MSc, PhD (c), is the creative services director at Lab Manager.  He has more than two decades of experience in the fields of scientific...

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Top 6 Questions You Should Ask When Buying a Glassware Washer

  1. How is the product manufactured? Ask about the quality of the materials used and the product life expectation based on manufacturing testing. Also find out about the product’s warranty.
  2. What differentiates the lab washer from others offered in terms of performance?
  3. Does the company offer application support and technical phone support before and after product installation?
  4. How sustainable is the product? Ask the company to provide details on energy and water consumption as well as the recycle ability of the product.
  5. If the product is discontinued, for how many years does the company provide accessories and parts for the washer?
  6. Finally, ask about the cost of the purchase—not just the price of the product being installed but the total cost of ownership, which includes price, service expectations, warranty, etc.

Types of lab glassware washers used by survey respondents:

Medium Capacity Washer 54%
Small Capacity Washer 38%
High Throughput Washer 15%
Large Capacity Washer 5%
Other 1%

Lab washer components used by survey respondents:

Lower baskets 79%
Upper baskets 74%
Direct injection (for beakers, pipettes, flasks) 58%
Test tube baskets 30%
Slides and Petri dish baskets 21%
Other 3%

Nearly 30% of respondents are engaged in purchasing a new glassware washer. The reasons for these purchases are as follows:

Replacement of an aging system
First time purchase
Addition to existing systems, increase capacity
Setting up a new lab

Top 10 features/factors respondents look for when purchasing a glassware washer:

Consistent washing and disinfection results 80%
Durability of product 79%
Low maintenance - Easy to use and clean 77%
Service and support 70%
Warranty 63%
Price 57%
Reliability of vendor 51%
Ability to customize racks 49%
Safety features 48%
Energy efficient/low operating cost 48%

For more information on laboratory glassware washers, including useful articles and a list of manufacturers, visit

See most recent survey results