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2014 pH Meters Product Survey Results

The expanded features in today’s pH meters reflect the broad use of this technology. Researchers use pH meters in a wide range of research fields—including biological and chemical, agricultural and environmental, and more—and virtually all kinds of manufacturing.

Trevor Henderson, PhD

Trevor Henderson BSc (HK), MSc, PhD (c), is the creative services director at Lab Manager.  He has more than two decades of experience in the fields of scientific...

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pH Meters Survey Says 2014

Top 6 Questions You Should Ask When Buying a pH meter

  1. What type of connector does the meter use?
    • Is it a BNC or DIN?
    • Is it proprietary or can other manufacturers’ probes be used with it?
  2. What is the replacement cost for a pH electrode?
  3. What accessories are included with the meter?
    • What is the complete cost of all accessories needed to operate the meter?
  4. What type of after sales support is offered?
    • If something goes wrong with the meter, can it be fixed locally?
    • What is the general turnaround time for repair?
  5. What makes the company different from other companies that manufacture similar products?
  6. What additional types of features are offered? (GLP data, PC connectivity (USB vs RS 232), calibration timeout, number of calibration points, ISE concentration readout, incremental methods for ISE and mv readout of concentration during calibration process).

Types of pH meters currently being used in readers’ labs:

Benchtop - Multi Parameter 24%
Benchtop - pH only 41%
Portable - Multi Parameter 10%
Portable - pH only 22%
In-line - Multi Parameter 1%
In-line - pH only 3%

Methods to measure pH used by survey respondents:

Glass-electrode method 54%
Indicator methods 19%
Metal-electrode methods 11%
Hydrogen-electrode methods 7%
Unknown 7%
Other 2%
Antimony-electrode method 1%
Chemical inventory 7%
Other 1%

Nearly 22% of respondents plan on purchasing a pH meter in the next year. The reasons for these purchases are as follows:

Replacement of an aging system
Addition to existing systems
Setting up a new lab
First time purchase of a pH meter

Top 10 features/factors respondents look for when purchasing a pH meter

Resolution and accuracy of the meter 80%
Ease of use 80%
Low maintenance/easy to clean 77%
Availability of supplies and accessories 68%
Auto calibration with temperature compensation 58%
Detachable electrode probe 50%
Heavy-duty and waterproof 48%
Multi-level LCD display 48%
Longer-lived refillable electrode type 46%
Service and support 45%

For more information on pH meters, including useful articles and a list of manufacturers, visit

See the most recent survey results