Improve AAV Product Recovery for Gene Therapy with Anion Exchange Polishing

Improve AAV Product Recovery for Gene Therapy with Anion Exchange Polishing

Avoid low full capsid yields with a novel, industry-verified polishing procedure 

The separation of full and empty AAV capsids is of utmost importance for gene therapy production due to its direct impact on treatment efficacy and safety, but the process remains problematic. Separating the full capsids that contain the therapeutic cargo, such as a transgene intended for delivery to target cells, from the empty capsids that lack this cargo, is technically challenging. 

A novel chromatography procedure using a strong catIon exchanger with dextran surface extenders addresses the problem of empty and partial AAV capsid carryover. This process has been industry-verified to improve full capsid recovery. The precise separation of full and empty AAV capsids is a crucial step in optimizing the safety and efficacy of AAV-based gene therapy, ultimately enhancing the prospects for successful treatment outcomes.

Download this resource to view original data and results of industry testing and the protocol that drastically improves the scalability and cost-efficiency of AAV separation for gene therapy applications. 


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