Live Air Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017
This webinar will cover how to deal with spills in the laboratory. The program will focus on common chemical spills (acids, bases, flammable solvents, non-flammable solvents). Participants will learn the proper steps for alerting/notifying, containing, cleaning up spills, and disposing wastes of commonly used chemicals. It will walk you through virtual spills large and small and the proper responses.
Before any Spills – Be Prepared -
- Chemical Hygiene Plan and CHO, duties and responsibilities
- chemical inventory
- Safety Data Sheets
- Standard Operation Procedures (SOP)
- Spill Kits
- Training – lab hazards present, proper PPE
General Lab Safety Equipment and Facilities
- Proper use of chemical fume hoods
- Eye wash and safety showers
- Fire Safety: extinguishers, sprinklers, flammables
- Electrical Safety: circuit breakers, GFCI, extension cords etc.
- Specialized equipment
- Spill kits and First Aid kits
Protect your People – PPE
- Basic PPE for any lab
- What special PPE is needed? Respirators, etc.
- Have process hazard analyses been done?
- Is your housekeeping in order?
Prevention with Safe Storage and use of hazardous materials:
- Chemical Compatibility and segregation
- Storage tips for general chemicals and high hazard materials
- Flammable storage
- Compressed gases
- Waste collection and disposal
Special Materials
- Biological Materials (pathogenic, select agents)
- Radioactive Materials
Vince McLeod is an American Board of Industrial Hygiene Certified Industrial Hygienist and the senior IH with Ascend Environmental. Mr. McLeod has more than 35 years’ experience in industrial hygiene and environmental engineering services, including 28 years with the University of Florida’s Environmental Health & Safety Division. His primary strength is conducting exposure assessments and hazard evaluations. Mr. McLeod’s consulting project experience includes comprehensive IH assessments for major power generation, manufacturing, production, and distribution facility.