Exum Massbox Laser Ablation Laser Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer

Exum's Massbox laser ablation laser ionization time of flight mass spectrometer.

Exum Instruments

Exum Launches Massbox at Pittcon 2020

Scientists experience the latest in high-performance organic and inorganic characterization at Pittcon 2020

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DENVER, CO — March 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Exum Instruments, a Denver-based firm, announced the launch of its first product offering, the Massbox. The Massbox is the first laser ablation laser ionization time of flight mass spectrometer (LALI-TOF-MS) instrument on the market, capable of analyzing any sample you can throw at it.  The Massbox's cutting-edge hardware and software ecosystems increase the speed of development and discovery, offering easy access to high-performance organic and inorganic characterization at a low cost.

Exum's Massbox laser ablation laser ionization time of flight mass spectrometer.
Exum Instruments

"Our main goal in developing the Massbox was to allow industry to quantifiably characterize those materials being crafted or produced and explored," said Jeff Williams, Exum CEO and co-founder. "This simple, small, and rugged tool can be deployed anywhere and now anyone can use it out of the box with very minimal training.  Put your sample in, choose your spots, press GO." Exum's mandate has been to make scientific instruments that everyone can use.

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Exum's Massbox not only offers higher fidelity characterization than its competitors but is also priced well below half of those same instruments.  "We see the approach instrument companies have taken in the past and that very little evolution has occurred." said Steve Strickland, Exum CFO and co-founder. "Tools are still too big, too expensive and too difficult to use. Exum is flipping all of those expectations on their heads."

Exum released the Massbox at Pittcon, a global exposition giving attendees the opportunity to get a hands-on look at the latest laboratory instruments which ran March 3-5, in Chicago. At their booth, 4521, Exum ran the Massbox on different samples.  Attendees were encouraged to come by the booth to run a sample and see the ease with which their materials could be assessed.

About Exum

Exum builds instruments and software ecosystems to increase the speed of development and discovery, offering easy access to high-performance at a low cost. Learn more at www.exuminstruments.com.

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