Fume Hoods

Top 6 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Fume Hood

| 4 min read

Top 6 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Fume Hood

The fume hood fails to pass a filtration efficiency test but the filters are in good condition. In other words, the product is no longer keeping employees safe.
Degradation of materials. This includes a physical discoloration of the materials, such as etching of steel, fogging on the glass barrier or window, or loud noises coming from the internal fan of the ductless or, in some cases, ducted unit.
You require better containment of a larger number and variety of chemicals, and a higher safety level.
Your current fume hood has broken down, and repair costs are too high.
There is a decline in mechanical functionality (sash movement, etc.).
You have an older, less efficient model that is becoming too expensive to operate.

Top 6 Questions That You Should Ask When Buying a Fume Hood

Can your lab go ductless? Ductless hoods are a viable solution for most routine laboratory applications. If a total exhaust hood is not an absolute requirement for the process being performed, a ductless solution often makes more sense.
What is the hood constructed from, how is it constructed, and how does this affect equipment life cycle? Based on your application, will any of the chemicals being used attack, degrade or physically alter the construction material of the hood? Will the hood stand up to harsh corrosives?
What type of safety controls are included in the base cost of the unit?
Has the manufacturer/distributor gone through a thorough application review process? Does the suggested filtration make sense?
How hard is installation? Will there be a future/potential need to move the hood after it has been installed the first time? Should the hood be portable?
What are the capital, installation and operational costs? From the lab manager’s perspective, capital costs are but a fraction of the overall budget. Installation/labor costs and operational costs must be factored in as well.

Recently Released Fume Hoods

Captair ® Flow

  • Designed to protect samples handled in the enclosure using very low energy consumption
  • Ultra-clean air entering the cabinet is quality ISO 5 (EN ISO 14644) which corresponds to U.S. class 100
  • By adding a carbon filter upstream, the fan module protects the enclosure volume of gaseous pollutants present in ambient air



  • Push button height adjustable work surface improves ergonomics and accommodates persons with disabilities
  • Self-lowering sash enhances operator safety and energy savings
  • Features low profile flush airfoil with spill containment trough
  • Includes durable chain and sprocket sash system


Paramount® Ductless Enclosures

  • Do not require ducting, which makes them suitable for modular labs where applications or personnel change
  • Six different stackable carbon filter types are available to allow safe handling of a variety of vapors and compounds
  • A 99.99% efficient HEPA filter may also be used
  • Feature quiet, energy-efficient ECM motor technology


AirMax™ Total Exhaust Fume Hoods

  • Hoods’ Wet Fume Scrubber System protects personnel from dangerous chemical exposure while also protecting ductwork and the environment by scrubbing acids and other water soluble gases from fume hood exhaust
  • Constructed of thermoplastics (primarily polypropylene) with all contact surfaces utilizing seamless, thermally-welded joints, eliminating the potential for corrosion
  • Available in 36”, 48”, 60”, 72” and 96” widths

AirClean Systems

Fume Hood Manufacturers

Air Impurities Removal Systemswww.airsystems-inc.com

Air Master Systemswww.airmastersystems.com

Air Sciencewww.air-science.com

AirClean Systemswww.aircleansystems.com


CIF Lab Solutionswww.cifsolutions.com

Clean Air Productswww.cleanairproducts.com


Design Filtrationwww.designfiltration.com



Flow Scienceswww.flowsciences.com

Genie Scientificwww.geniescientific.com

Germfree Laboratorieswww.germfree.com

Hanson Lab Furniturewww.hansonlab.com



Kewaunee Scientificwww.kewaunee.com

LM Air Technologywww.lmairtech.com



Mott Manufacturingwww.mott.ca



RDM Industrialwww.labspacesolutions.com


Sentry Air Systemswww.sentryair.com

Terra Universalwww.terrauniversal.com

TFI/Inline Designwww.tfiinlinedesign.net

The Baker Companywww.bakerco.com

Thermo Fisher Scientificwww.thermoscientific.com



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