Gas Generators

Top 5 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Gas Generator

| 4 min read

Top 5 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Gas Generator

The alarms for leak detection are either not going off when there is a leak or are constantly going off even when there are no leaks.
You are moving into new applications and your current gas generator does not produce the gas or gases you need or isn’t sized right for the systems you need to generate gas for.
The air filter in the zero-air gas generator is clogged.
The noise from the gas generator’s integrated compressor is too loud.
Your current gas generator doesn’t have all the features you need, such as the ability to capture performance data ,etc.

Maintenance Tips: For certain hydrogen gas generators, vendors recommend charging the device with deionized water and replacing an ion exchange “scrubber” every six months. For zero-air gas generators, the air filter should be replaced once a year.

Top 6 Questions That You Should Ask When Buying a Gas Generator

What application do you need a supply of gas for? Depending on the experiment or application you may need one or more hydrogen, nitrogen or a zero-air gas generators.
How many systems will your gas generator supply? There are a number of sizes of gas generator that will service one or many systems for a number of applications
If you need to supply gas to more than one system, are you planning on having a central source of gas? The number of labs you need to supply will determine whether you opt for a larger, central generator or numerous, smaller generators.
Is space an issue in your lab? It may be that you need a smaller, standalone generator that can be stored or stacked away to save space.
What are the safety parameters that you must adhere to when using gases? A generator significantly reduces the hazardous risk that comes with on-site gas supplies, but it’s good to discuss your gas options with your safety representative.
What service proposition comes with the gas generator? There are a number of options when managing a generator, whether that’s getting an education in self-maintenance, knowing a service representative will be able to maintain the unit regularly or having the ability to send a unit back to the manufacturer.

Recently Released Gas Generators/Specialty Gases

NiGen Nitrogen Gas Generators

  • New line of generators is designed to meet a variety of laboratory budgets, sizes and demands
  • Simple design helps reduce time spent on maintenance, while delivering a reliable and constant stream of nitrogen gas
  • Four of the new generators create nitrogen using membrane technology, producing 34, 60 or 120 liters/minute without an internal compressor, and 36 liters/minute with a compressor

Proton Onsite

H2-PEMPD Series Hydrogen Generators

  • Produces up to 1,300 cc/minute of 99.99999+% pure hydrogen
  • Eliminates the need for dangerous and expensive cylinders of hydrogen fuel gases and helium carrier gases
  • Includes output pressure to 175 psig; a maintenance-free self-regenerative palladium membrane; an advanced PEM electrochemical cell protection system with microprocessor controls and a unique water hydration circulation system, along with a variety of other special features

Parker Balston 

FlexStream™ Automated Gas Standards Generator

  • Along with TraceSource™ permeation tubes, dynamically blends trace concentration calibration standards of acetaldehyde in carbon dioxide
  • User may achieve concentrations from over 400 ppb down to 25 ppb using a single permeation tube
  • Lower concentrations, or variable concentration in constant flow, are available using optional secondary dilution


Model 150 Dynacalibrator ® Calibration Gas Generator

  • Designed to generate precise ppm or ppb concentrations of chemical compounds in a gas stream
  • Digital temperature controller maintains the chamber temperature at a set point with an accuracy of ±0.01°C, traceable to NIST standards
  • Features a wide range of temperature settings (5°C above ambient to 110°C)

VICI Metronics

Gas Generator Manufacturers


CONCOA/Controls Corporation of





Thermo Fisher



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