HPLC Columns

Top 5 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your HPLC Columns

| 4 min read

Top 5 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your HPLC Columns

The backpressure increases above the column or system limit. A common practical limit is a 10-20% increase.
A quantitative chromatographic system suitability parameter fails: resolution, tailing factor, S/N, RRT, efficiency.

A qualitative chromatographic parameter changes significantly from the expected: Peak shape, background response, irregular baseline disturbances, column leaking.

Visible external hardware wear and tear: inlet/outlet threading wear, corrosion, reagent precipitates (buffer salts or derivatizing agents).
Known exposure to components that could afflict future selectivity under new conditions: ion-pairing agents, sample contaminants (such as inorganic ions or phospholipids), phthalates, immiscible solvents.

Top 7 Questions That You Should Ask When Buying HPLC Columns

Based on your analyte(s), matrix, separation goals, and instrumentation, what column does the vendor recommend?
What benefits does this column offer over your current column? Performance? Lifetime? Reproducibility? Etc.
How should you clean/prepare your sample prior to injection on the column?
How do you care for the column? Conditioning, cleaning, storage, etc.
What type of chromatographic media (fully porous, monolithic, core-shell) is going to provide the most benefit for your separation?
Do you need a unique selectivity (HILIC, polar-end capped, etc.) to separate any very polar and/or non-polar components in your mixture?
What column dimension is going to be most suitable for your loading requirement?

Recently Released HPLC Columns


  • Allow laboratories to produce greater amounts of information faster with every chromatographic separation
  • Available in C18, C18+ or HILIC chemistries and offered in 30 unique column configurations available for shipping worldwide
  • Column particles feature a solid, impermeable silica core encased in a porous silica outer layer where the interactions between the stationary phase and the analytes occur


Kinetex® Preparative HPLC and SFC Core-Shell Media

  • Kinetex 5-micron particles in four phases—C18, XB-C18, Phenyl-Hexyl and PFP—are now offered in 21.2 mm ID Axia packing
  • Axia preparative format delivers longer column lifetime, higher efficiencies, improved performance and high reproducibility, compared to conventionally packed columns for lab-scale prep chromatography
  • Axia packing eliminates the drawbacks of traditional slurry packing, delivering uniform bed density and dramatic performance advances


MAbPac Protein A HPLC Columns

  • For high-performance monoclonal antibody titer analysis
  • Specially designed for higher sensitivity and accurate concentration analysis over a wide linear range to minimize the need to re-analyze samples
  • Novel non-porous polymeric resin with hydrophilic surface offers fast mass transfer to enhance throughput and minimize carryover
  • Accommodate high flow rates to further increase throughput

Thermo Fisher Scientific

TSKgel® SW mAb Size Exclusion HPLC Columns

  • Meet the growing demand for the higher resolution separation of mAb monomer and dimer/fragment, as well as higher resolution of mAb aggregates
  • Offer reduced lot-to-lot variation, long column life, reduction of unspecified adsorption, and superior recovery of aggregates
  • Include the TSKgel SuperSW mAb HR and TSKgel UltraSW Aggregate

Tosoh Bioscience

HPLC Column Manufacturers

Advanced Chromatography Technologies www.ace-hplc.com

Agela Technologies www.agela.com

Agilent www.agilent.com

Applied Biosystems www.appliedbiosystems.com

Beckman Coulter www.beckmancoulter.com

Bio-Rad www.bio-rad.com

Biotage www.biotage.com

ChiralTech www.chiraltech.com

Dynamax www.dynamaxcorp.com

Eksigent www.eksigent.com

ES Industries www.esind.com

Grace Discovery Sciences www.discoverysciences.com

Hamilton www.hamiltoncompany.com

Imtakt www.imtaktusa.com

J & K Scientific www.jkscientific.com

MAC-MOD www.mac-mod.com

MicroSolve www.microsovetech.com

Peeke Scientific www.peekescientific.com

PerkinElmer www.perkinelmer.com

Phenomenex www.phenomenex.com

Proxeon www.proxeon.com

Restek www.restek.com

Shiseido www.shiseido.com

Shodex www.shodex.com

SiliCycle Inc. www.silicycle.com

Supelco www.sial.com

Thermo Fisher Scientific www.thermofisher.com

Valco www.vici.com

Waters www.waters.com

Whatman www.whatman.com

Zirchrom www.zirchrom.com

Tosoh Bioscience www.tosohbioscience.com


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