
Top 6 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Pipettes

| 4 min read

Top 6 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Pipettes

The pipettes no longer fit the user’s needs. 
The pipettes are no longer accurate, or the volume is drifting. 
Lab technicians are experiencing repetitive motion injuries from heavy or non-ergonomic pipettes. 
Tip cones are visibly worn and tips aren’t sealing well. 
The piston surface is worn or corroded. 
The batteries of an electronic pipette are no longer holding a charge. 

Top 5 Questions You Should Ask When Buying a Pipette

What differentiates the pipette from others offered in terms of performance and ergonomics?
Is the product compatible with other manufacturers’ consumables (tips)? 
What types of services are offered for this product? Calibration? Repair? 
Does the company offer application support and technical phone support before and after product purchase? 
What is the product life expectation? What is the product’s warranty period? If the company discontinues the product, for how many years do they provide accessories and parts for the instrument? 

Recently Released Pipettes

VIAFLO 384 Handheld Electronic Pipette

  • Can be used in conjunction with vacuum manifold, 96-well solid phase extraction (SPE) microplate and RNA isolation kit to reproducibly extract high quality total RNA from cultured cells and bacteria
  • Offers all the benefits of increased sample throughput as well as lower sample and reagent use without the expense of having to invest in a robotic liquid handling system


F1-ClipTip Pipetting System

  • Features low tip attachment, ejection and plunger forces for safe and comfortable use, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries
  • Lightweight design reduces fatigue during extended periods of pipetting
  • Includes 150 percent increase in air boost to ensure efficient delivery of micro-volumes and prevent capillary action for low volume pipetting
  • Interlocking design securely locks tips in place

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Microlab 300 Series Pipettor

  • Allows users to dispense between 0.5 to 1000 μL without needing to exchange pipettes
  • Requires just one probe and two tip sizes
  • Enables laboratories to achieve excellent quality assurance through reproducible and traceable methods
  • Software allows technicians to easily create, save, and execute pipetting applic ations from start to finish


Sarpette® M and E

  • Available in single, 8, and 12 channel configurations
  • M pipettes feature continuously adjustable volumes from either the dispenser button or thumbwheel and offer excellent accuracy and precision
  • E model electronic pipettes are controlled by a high-precision motor and microprocessor to ensure smooth and accurate pipetting
  • Pipette tips offered in a wide range of packaging and purity options


Pipette Manufacturers

BrandTech www.brandtech.com

CAPP www.capp.dk

Cole-Parmer www.coleparmer.com

Drummond Scientific www.drummondsci.com

Eppendorf www.eppendorf.com

Gelcompany www.gelcompany.com

Gilson www.gilson.com

Globe Scientific www.globescientific.com

Hamilton www.hamiltoncompany.com

Hirschmann www.hirschmann-inc.com

INTEGRA Biosciences www.integra-biosciences.com

Jencons Scientific www.jenconsusa.com

Labnet International www.labnetlink.com

Nichiryo America www.nichiryo.com

Oxford Instruments www.oxford-instruments.com

Rainin Instrument Company www.rainin.com

Sarstedt www.sarstedt.com

Sartorius www.sartorius.com

Thermo Fisher Scientific www.thermoscientific.com

USA Scientific www.usascientific.com

VistaLab Technologies www.vistalab.com

Wheaton Science Products www.wheatonsci.com

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