February 2011 Technology News: Pittcon 2011 Preview

The latest equipment, instruments and system introductions to the laboratory market at Pittcon 2011.

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Booth 1111
MAS 24

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  • For proprietary Monowave 300 microwave synthesis reactor
  • Up to 24 vials of various sizes can be queued and processed in three different carousel types
  • Features a fail-safe gripper driven by compressed air
  • Any Monowave 300 already in use can be easily upgraded for automation with a simple upgrade kit

Anton Paar

Benchtop Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer
Booths 1322 & 1323

  • Features capability to perform high-definition mass spectrometry (HDMS), a cost-effective technique for screening samples at trace levels
  • Offers full-scan sensitivity at typical GC-quad SIM levels
  • Lets users screen for both known and unknown compounds at much lower levels with a high degree of definition and clarity

ALMSCO International

In-line Refractometer
Booth 1618

  • Easily incorporated in piping of manufacturing plants, liquid mixing devices, and washing apparatuses to measure the concentration of various liquids
  • Measurement accuracy: Brix ±0.05%, nD ±0.00010
  • Prism is specially designed to prevent solid materials from collecting on the surface, even after extended periods of use


Infrared Spectrophotometer
Booth 1634

  • Able to communicate with external programs using either USB or RS-232 connections
  • Touch screen displays spectra during scans
  • Features a high-energy optical design and sensitive DLATGS detector for excellent resolution over the full infrared range
  • Features a microprocessor-driven, fast-scanning mechanism

Buck Scientific

Mass Spectrometer
Booth 3853

  • Features fast acquisition rates, up to 1,000 spectra/s over the entire mass range
  • Features a wide linear dynamic range (105)
  • Generates constant ion abundance ratios across the chromatographic peak
  • Supports several MS libraries, such as the NIST mass spectral library

DANI Instruments

Mini Gas Chromatograph
Booth 2468
Forston Mini GC

  • Based on Seacoast’s sensing and sampling technology, and is integrated with the Forston Labs LabNavigator
  • Provides real-time data on-site, or can send data to supervising chemist via cell phone
  • Has the ability to acquire, monitor and analyze data from up to 5 simultaneous sensor inputs
  • Suitable for various applications, such as soil and water remediation, security and safety, industrial processing and quality control

Seacoast Science/Forston Labs

Process Analyzer System
Booth 4029

  • Based on high-resolution diode array technology
  • Provides non-destructive analysis of pharmaceutical and chemical products directly in the process line without bypass
  • Helps to optimize the use of raw materials and to consistently run production closer to target specifications


Portable TOC Analyzer
Booth 2552
Sievers 5310 C

  • Designed specifically for municipal drinking water applications
  • Offers 12-month calibration stability and complies with USEPA-approved methodology
  • Features automated protocols such as TOC percent removal calculation
  • Suitable for raw and finished drinking water monitoring for DBP compliance

GE Analytical Instruments

NIR Mini Spectrometer
Booth 1821

  • Sensitivity extends to wavelengths of up to 2.55 µm
  • Comes with sample software for setting measurement conditions, acquiring and saving spectrum data and displaying data graphs
  • Uses a transmission holographic grating made of quartz and precision optical components arranged on a rugged optical base, for higher throughput


Photosensor Modules
Booth 1821
H10720/H10721 Series

  • Contain a metal package PMT and a high-voltage power supply circuit
  • Built-in PMT uses a metallic package with the same diameter as a TO-8 metal package used for semiconductor photodetectors
  • “P” type with low dark count is also available for photon counting measurement
  • H10720 series are lead pin output type; H10721 are flexible cable output type


Semi-automated Diluter/Dispenser
Booth 2953

  • Designed to streamline sample preparation while reducing wasted buffer
  • Positive displacement technology delivers better than 99 percent accuracy, regardless of viscosity, vapour pressure or temperature
  • Proprietary Bubble Free Prime syringes eliminate trapped air bubbles to speed priming and solvent changes
  • Features a universal valve, letting users switch from one task to another with minimal downtime

Hamilton Company

Sensor System
Booth 2953

  • For pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity measurements
  • Each sensor features a built-in microprocessor that can communicate with both analog (4 – 20 mA) and digital modbus interfaces
  • ARC sensors can be precalibrated right in the lab, reducing costs associated with installation and downtime

Hamilton Company

Benchtop Spectrophotometer
Booth 4670
ColorFlex® EZ

  • Features 45/0 design for better color measurement preciseness
  • “Sees” colors as the human eye does
  • Includes 3 USB ports for connecting printers, bar code scanners, keyboards, flash drives and PCs
  • Software powers 250 product setups and storage of 2,000 sample measurements


Color Measurement Spectrophotometer
Booth 4670
UltraScan® PRO

  • D65 illumination source is calibrated in the ultraviolet region for the accurate measurement of whitening agents
  • Features an extended wavelength range into the near infrared and near ultraviolet that permits the measurement of camouflage materials and UV blockers
  • Features three sizes of sample measurement areas with automated lens change


OEM Spectrometer
Booth 3616

  • Features a wavelength range of 380 to 770 nm
  • Includes a Numerical Aperture of 0.22 and minimum resolution of 1.0 nm (FWHM)
  • Spectroscopic measurements can be achieved at lower light levels and at faster line scan rates than previously possible

Ibsen Photonics

Mobile VOC Monitor
Booth 3350

  • Features a detection limit of
  • Includes a touch-screen display allowing for one-button control
  • Allows for direct injection of sample gases without preparation
  • Soft ionization technology provides low detection and low mass fragmentation


Density Meter
Booth 3342
DS7800/7900 and DS7400/7500

  • Features a built-in Peltier thermostat with a repeatability of ±0.02°C
  • All four models perform in a range of 0.00000 – 1.99999 g/cm3
  • Features a SQL database which stores the last 999 measuring results
  • RS-232, USB and Ethernet interfaces allow direct communication with a PC

Krüss Optronic

Multi-wavelength Laser
Booth 3716

  • Pulsed, diode-pumped, solid-state laser with output at 3 wavelengths (IR, visible and UV)
  • Emits simultaneous pulses at 1053 nm, 527 nm and 351 nm in one beam in the same direction
  • Features PC control through a RS-232 interface
  • Ideal for numerous applications, including various types of spectroscopy, multi-photon excitation and light detection


Macro Determinator
Booth 1335

  • Rapidly analyzes macro samples with minimal cost-per-analysis
  • Large, reusable ceramic boats make the sample handling process easy to manage
  • Features an autoloader for unattended analysis of up to 50 solid or liquid samples
  • Complies with AOAC, AACC, AOCS and ASBC methods of analysis


Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Booths 2726, 2727
Flash DSC 1

  • Features extremely high cooling (-4,000°C/sec) and heating (40,000°C/sec) rates
  • Lets scientists study crystallization and reorganization processes of materials that were previously not possible
  • Features a wide temperature range from -95°C to 450°C in one measurement

Mettler Toledo

NMR Analyzer
Booth 2753
MQC Series

  • Features a compact magnet for a smaller benchtop footprint
  • Requires no external PC, as a standard Windows™ PC motherboard is built inside
  • Includes MultiQuant and EasyCal software packages, allowing simple calibration and measurement of up to four constituents in samples

Oxford Instruments

Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Sorbent
Booth 4634
Strata™-X-Drug B

  • Specially designed and quality-control tested for drugs of abuse
  • Does not require conditioning, saving time and solvent expense
  • Detection for the 11 common drugs of abuse is below the lower SAMHSA cutoff levels
  • Does not promote interconversion of norcodeine and normorphine to parent compounds


Portable Gas Chromatograph
Booth 461

  • Features flame ionization and flame photometric detectors with flame out sensors that shut off the hydrogen if the flame goes out
  • Includes a 7-inch color touch screen
  • Low and high set-points (depends on the options) can be customer programmed for each point and/or compound

PID Analyzers

Booth 1320
PreciseFlex 400

  • Intended for light payload material handling and assembly applications in the life sciences, medical products, semiconductor, electronics, and automotive industries
  • Features vision-guided Guidance Controller, kinematics for Cartesian motion, and quiet, high-performance servo motors with absolute encoders

Precise Automation

Microscope Platform Systems
Booth 3828
ZDeck Quick Adjust

  • For Olympus BX51WI /BX61WI and Nikon FN1 microscopes
  • Lowers quickly and easily via pneumatic pistons
  • Includes condenser and pillar spacers for Koehler illumination at a wide range of focus heights
  • Incorporates proprietary ProScan™ series motorized stage for submicron repeatability

Prior Scientific

Mechanical/Ultrasound Homogenizer
Booth 618

  • Combines full automation of mechanical and ultrasonic homogenizing into one unit
  • Allows the use of each homogenizing method dependently or independently of each other within a programmable or manual mode
  • Contains a brushless motor for mechanical homogenizing and 130-watt processor for ultrasonic
  • Able to process up to 20 samples in one run

PRO Scientific

Handheld Automated Analytical Syringe
Booth 4335
eVol® NMR Edition

  • Features extra-long syringe needles for use with NMR tubes
  • With MEPS™ (micro extraction by packed sorbent), enabling chromatographers to semi-automate sample preparation, saving time, solvent and money
  • Ideal for accurately aspirating and dispensing both aqueous and non-aqueous liquids

SGE Analytical

Triple-Quad Mass Spectrometer
Booth 1134

  • Features ultra-fast multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions, enabling data acquisition with up to 500 different channels per second
  • Improved electronics provide ultra-fast mass spectrum measurement speeds of 15,000 u/sec without sacrificing sensitivity or resolution
  • Features UFsweeper® technology, which accelerates ions out of the collision cell by forming a pseudo-potential surface

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments

Supercritical Fluid Extractor
Booth 2749

  • Includes a removable oven lid and large side panel for easy access to high-pressure vessel
  • Indicator light on pump module alerts user to proper operation of Peltier pre-cooler, ensuring CO2 is maintained in the liquid state
  • Robust outlet from restrictor ensures user won’t accidentally damage outlet tube when inserting it into collection container

Supercritical Fluid Technologies

Portable FT-IR Chemical Identifier
Booth 921
HazMatID 360

  • Rapidly identifies solid and liquid chemicals based on their distinct molecular fingerprint
  • Features mixture analysis which allows chemical assessment of samples that may have been contaminated with more than one material
  • Features built-in Bluetooth wireless communication for immediate data transmission

Smiths Detection

HPLC Injector
Booth 2220, 2221, 2321
Cheminert® C55

  • Specifically designed to be built into an OEM system
  • Optional Serial Interface board permits RS232 communications for both position input control and confirmation of valve piston
  • Available in 4-, 6-, 8- and 10-port configurations in stainless or PEEK

VICI Valco


Counting Scale
Booth 2417
CBC Series

  • Features a 16 lb (8,000 g) capacity and 0.0005 lb (0.2 g) readability
  • Three backlit LCD screens show piece count, unit weight and total weight simultaneously
  • Includes a bi-directional RS-232 interface with multi-language text on the print out
  • Color-coded keypad highlights the most used keys

Adam Equipment

Fume Hood
Booth 4275
Green Solution Hood

  • Features Neutrodine® technology from Erlab
  • Allows users to reduce energy costs by 96% and reduce operation costs by 70%
  • Reduced CO2 emissions by not replacing treated air
  • Handles liquids and solids individually or together with a single hood

Air Master Systems

Forensic Evidence Processing System
Booth 4751

  • UV-absorbing door window ensures operator safety
  • Features high-efficiency UV lamps that produce short-wavelength UV light at 254 nm to destroy exposed surface DNA and bacteria
  • Available in two sizes, with dimensions of 15’ x 15’ x 15’ and 24’ x 24’ x 30’

Air Science USA

Powder Flow Tester
BOOTHS 4919, 4924

  • Ideal for manufacturers who want to minimize or eliminate the downtime and expense that can occur when hoppers/ silos fail to discharge
  • Offers a choice of tests including Flow Function, Wall Friction, Time Consolidation and Bulk Density
  • Lets users conduct QC checks on incoming materials and predict flow behavior for new formulations before scale-up

Brookfield Engineering

Texture Analyzer
BOOTHS 4919, 4924

  • Features six built-in test modes plus a calibration check
  • Stores up to 10 additional customized test methods
  • Offers a choice of five load ranges up to 50 kg
  • Conforms fully to GME and GMIA monographs for gelatin Bloom assessment

Brookfield Engineering

Recirculating Chillers
BOOTHS 4570, 4571

  • Feature lockable wheels for easy movement and secure breaking
  • F-105 features a cooling capacity of 500W at 15°C for use with a single rotary evaporator
  • F-114 features a cooling capacity of 1400W at 15°C
  • F-125 features a cooling capacity of 2500W at 15°C


Infrared Detector Arrays
Booth 2317
PbS and PbSe Formats

  • 256-element arrays provide high sensitivity in the 1.0 to 5.5 µm wavelength region
  • Cooler and stability features provide refined temperature control and programmability
  • Ideally suited for gas analysis, spectroscopy, process and quality control and thermal imaging applications such as hot-spot detection in assembly process lines

Cal Sensors

Gas Switchover System
Booth 3747
IntelliSwitch II™

  • Features an onboard web server for remote monitoring, secure system configuration and e-mail notifications of real-time system status and events
  • Offers continuous pressure and flow control from liquid or high-pressure cylinder sources
  • Proprietary software logic lowers yearly gas costs by eliminating liquid cylinder vent loss and excess residual return


Mass Flowmeters and Controllers
Booth 3747
MFM and MFC Thermal Series

  • Feature a standard maximum working pressure of 500 psig
  • Supplied standard with correction factors for Air, Helium, Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide (other factors available upon request)
  • Available in a wide range of flows from 0 – 10 sccm to 0 – 20 lpm
  • Made from 316L stainless steel bar stock


Refrigerator/Freezer Thermometer
Booth 4070

  • Monitors temperatures in freezers, water baths, heating blocks, incubators and refrigerators
  • Triple display simultaneously shows high, low and current temperatures
  • Features a range of -58 to 158°F (-50 to 70°C) with a resolution of 1° and accuracy of ±1°C
  • Alarm feature provides alert when temperature rises above or falls below set point

Control Company

Lab Spatula
Booth 4070
Traceable® SpatulaBalance™

  • Scoops and weighs crystals, granulated material, solids, liquids, precipitates and chemicals
  • Digital display is located in the handle
  • Features a range of 0 to 300 g (0 to 10.580 oz) and readability of 0.1 g/0.005 oz
  • Scoop detaches from balance for easy dishwasher-safe cleaning

Control Company

Freezer Thermometer
Booth 4070
Traceable® RTD -100.0 Platinum

  • Monitors temperatures in freezers, water baths, heating blocks, incubators and refrigerators
  • Range is -99.9 to 199.9°C with a resolution of 0.1° and accuracy of ±2°C
  • 10-ft ultra-thin micro-cable permits freezer doors to close on it without affecting the seal
  • Fast-response 100-ohm platinum probe is triple purpose for use with liquids, air/gas and frozen materia

Control Company

Ethernet Module
Booth 4377
Spectrum Server

  • Allows remote operation of any proprietary USB2-type spectrometer
  • Uses an on-board ARM microcomputer running an RTOS to control the spectrometer, providing high-speed sampling with real-time performance
  • Computer queues up the time-stamped data (up to 65,000 spectra) until it can be read by the client, so there are no gaps in sampling

Control Development

DC to HVDC Converters
Booth 961
A Series

  • Occupies less than one-tenth of a cubic inch of volume; ¼ of an inch thick
  • Controllable output voltages range from 100 volts to 6,000 volts
  • Features a low-noise quasi-sinewave oscillator
  • Input/Output Leakage Current, <100nA

EMCO High Voltage

Forced Convection Laboratory Ovens
Booths 4616 & 4617
Isotherm® Series

  • Feature multiple redundant over-temperature protection systems for maximum sample and user protection
  • Feature electrogalvanized steel with white oven-baked epoxy antimicrobial powder-coated finish
  • Feature a single piece stainless-steel chamber with rounded corners


Benchtop Purification System
Booth 4735
PLC 2020

  • Features interchangeable pump heads for flow rates of 25 mL/min at 4600 psi, 50 mL/min at 2100 psi, and 100 mL/min at 1200 psi
  • Ideal for high-pressure reverse phase and normal phase applications with built-in selection of up to 5 separate solvents
  • Has electronically actuated manual injections of up to 10 mL volumes and variable dual-wavelength UV/VIS detection


360° Vertical Multi-Function Rotator
Booth 2116

  • Combines three fully programmable mixing functions: vertical rotation, reciprocation and vibration
  • Standard platform can accommodate up to 26 x 15mm diameter tubes or 26 x 1.5 ml – 2ml microtubes
  • Four optional platforms provide the flexibility to mix and match different tube sizes
  • Includes a 2-line, 16-character LCD display and quiet motor

Grant Instruments

Water Baths
Booth 2116
Aqua Plus Series

  • Series includes digital and analog unstirred baths, linear shaking baths and boiling baths
  • Feature drain taps, temperature pre-sets, front-panel lockout, countdown timers and non-drip polycarbonate lids and bases
  • Complete series includes 21 models

Grant Instruments

Floor Mount Fume Hood
Booth 2252
UniMax Series

  • Constructed from chemical-resistant, non-conductive modular panels featuring composite resin surface material
  • Features special baffles; standard or explosion-proof lighting; electrical and plumbing services; and optional door configurations
  • Ventilation and filtration equipment can be engineered to design specifications


Hybrid Ion Milling System
Booth 2647

  • Capable of both cross-section and flat ion milling
  • Uses a wide Argon ion beam to irradiate specimens and uses the sputtering effect to polish the surface without stressing it
  • Features a high milling rate ion gun with a processing speed of 300 µm/hr
  • Suitable for various industries, including semiconductors, materials, research and quality control

Hitachi High Technologies America

Karl Fischer Volumetric Titrator
Booth 2919

  • Features a small volume titration cell which requires 20 mL of titration solvent for accurate measurements
  • With both a volumetric and coulometric channel, it can measure moisture over the entire range from 1 ppm to 100%
  • Current status, data and function keys are displayed on a large color screen
  • Includes a built-in thermal printer with high-resolution printouts

JM Science

Gas Standards Generator
Booth 1552

  • When combined with Secondary Dilution Module SD, creates variable concentration gas mixtures in constant output flow
  • Primary mixture concentration can be varied over a 10:1 range in the permeation unit
  • Simplifies production and reduces the cost of supplying required test gas mixtures


Glassware Washer
Booth 4325
1700 LXA

  • Available in single- or double-door configurations for pass-through applications
  • Features high-capacity cleaning with up to three levels of washing
  • On-board storage of cleaning chemicals is provided via an ergonomic, top-loading chemical storage compartment
  • Features a HEPA-filtered chamber and direct injection drying


Heating/Cooling Thermostats
Booth 4622
ECO Series

  • Provide precise, economical and flexible thermostating from -50°C up to 200°C
  • Two different controllers are available—ECO Silver and ECO Gold
  • Both controllers feature a powerful circulation pump with 30% higher capacity than previous models
  • All cooling thermostats are available as air-cooled or water-cooled models


Benchtop Titration
Booth 3435
900 Touch Control

  • Starts titrimetric analyses through the use of a touch screen
  • Provides direct access to LIMS and network printers
  • Can be operated by users wearing gloves
  • Auto-start function automatically starts Karl Fischer titrations once a sample is added


Titration Program
Booths 2726 & 2727
GTP™ - Good Titration Practice™

  • Covers the entire life cycle of a titration system
  • Facilitates compliance with regulations, precise results and reduced costs
  • Covers installation and qualification of the system, routine operation and evaluation and selection of the appropriate analytical instrumentation

Mettler Toledo

Laboratory Glassware Washer
Booth 4929
PG 8535/36

  • Features temperature-independent dispensing control on the basis of ultrasound
  • Includes a sleek touch screen control and spray arm monitoring
  • Features continuous conductivity monitoring for residue-free rinse quality

Miele Professional

Microwave Digestion
Booth 553

  • Features proprietary Single Reaction Chamber (SRC) technology
  • Digests up to 15 samples of any matrix simultaneously, eliminating labor associated with assembly/disassembly of digestion vessels
  • Ideal complement to ICP-MS, due to superior digestion quality and minimal blank contribution


Sample Prep System
Booth 861
Samplicity™ Filtration System

  • Provides a convenient alternative to syringe filters when preparing samples for analytical analyses such as HPLC and UHPLC
  • Allows up to 8 samples to be simultaneously vacuum-filtered in seconds
  • Multiple samples can be quickly and easily loaded onto the system using a standard pipette
  • Features a low hold-up volume, which allows processing of samples as small as 200 µL

EMD Millipore

Laboratory Oven
Booth 2922
TR 60 – 1050

  • Features forced air circulation and a maximum working temperature of 300°C
  • Stainless steel interior chamber is easy to clean and resistant to rust
  • Suitable for various applications, including drying, sterilizing and warm storing
  • Features consistent temperature uniformity


Fume Hoods
Booth 3460
FumeGard Series

  • Series includes vertical laminar flow, conventional and by-pass fume hoods
  • Made of polypropylene with seam-welded, stress-relieved, reinforced construction
  • Feature UV stabilizers and anti-oxidizing agents to maximize thermal resistance
  • FumeGard hoods are ergonomic and metal-free and can be customized


Hydrogen Generators
Booth 535

  • Capable of flow rates up to 1.1 L/min at >99.9999% purity
  • Features Proton Exchange Membrane and Pressure Swing Adsorption technology to produce ultra high-purity carrier grade hydrogen gas from a source of deionized water
  • Cascading functionality is available to further enhance laboratory workflows

Hydrogen Gas Generator

Hydrogen Generators
Booth 535
Balston H2-PEMPD Series

  • Produces up to 1,300 cc/minute of 99.99999+% pure hydrogen
  • Features a maintenance-free, self-regenerative palladium membrane
  • Lets users supply, control and automate all hydrogen gas supplies
  • A single generator can support up to as many as 20 instruments with fuel and carrier gas

Parker Hannafin

Zero Nitrogen & Zero Air Generator
Booth 3055
Fusion 1010

  • Features “rapid restart” control, allowing it to be operational again after any power cut of up to 20 minutes
  • Designed specifically for use with GC-ECD and GCFID; can also be used with THA applications
  • Catalyst chamber ensures removal of Hydrocarbons to
  • Supplied with caster wheels for easy mobility

Peak Scientific

Rotating Sample Divider
Booth 3827
Smart Boyd-RSD Combo

  • Produces a split of any chosen weight, regardless of the sample’s original total weight
  • Jaws can be rotated top to bottom for longer life
  • Jaws can hold 5 kg of sample as one load
  • Includes touch-screen operation


Microwave Digestion System
Booth 3447

  • Digestion tunnel system employs 12 dynamically operating micro cavities to process 12 samples simultaneously
  • Features individual sample control and monitoring
  • Lets users prepare up to 14 racks of 12 samples at a time
  • Available in two models: stand-alone Model SA and fully automated Model FA

SCP Science

Microfluidic Channel System
Booth 4335

  • Designed for flow switching and splitting applications
  • Delivers flexible solutions for multidimensional gas and liquid chromatography
  • Expands capabilities of capillary gas and liquid chromatography by minimizing dead volumes and using inert flow paths to ensure no decrease to analysis sensitivity

SGE Analytical


Next Generation Library Sequencing Workstation
Booth 4426

  • Open system compatible with third-party kits and reagents
  • Automates nucleic acid extraction, reverse transcription and PCR setup
  • Scalable solution can process up to 96 samples in parallel
  • Reagent dispensing pins reduce both tip consumption and preparation time

Aurora Instruments

Precast Gels
Booth 2534
Criterion™ TGX Stain-Free™

  • When combined with the proprietary Gel Doc EZ Imager, users can achieve protein separation, gel imaging and data analysis in 25 minutes, without the need for staining
  • The same gel can be used for western blotting, standard staining methods and mass spectrometry analysis
  • Can be stored for up to 12 months without losing performance quality


Strong-Cation-Exchange Column
Booth 2861
MAbPac™ SCX-10

  • Designed specifically for high-resolution analysis and characterization of monoclonal antibody variants
  • Nonporous pellicular resin permits the separation of monoclonal antibody variants that differ by as little as one charged residue
  • Hydrophobic interactions with the resin are essentially eliminated for very efficient peaks


Motorized Pipette
Booth 4735
Pipetman® M

  • Fully motorized; requires virtually zero pipetting force
  • Features four pipetting modes, including reverse, mix, repetitive and pipetting
  • Features adjustable piston speed
  • Four models available, covering the range of 0.5 µL to 1,000 µL


Semi-automated Microplate Sealer
Booth 4979

  • Compatible with a wide range of plates, including PCR, assay, and deep-well storage plates
  • Accepts shallow plates and high-profile plates and can be used with most manufacturers’ heat sealing films
  • Features adjustable sealing temperature and sealing time

Labnet International

Filter Plates
Booth 2353
AcroPrep™ Advance

  • Smooth well design provides consistency in filtration times and efficient sample and bead recovery
  • Optimized outlet tips minimize sample leakage during incubation steps
  • Comply with SBS guidelines, allowing plates to be run in manual, semi-automated and automated processes
  • Ideal for various applications, including flow cytometry, lysate clearance and protein purification

Pall Life Sciences

Centrifugal Devices
Booth 2353
Microsep™ Advance

  • Features deadstop to prevent samples from spinning to dryness
  • Lets users achieve 50X concentration and >90% recovery in minutes
  • Features a versatile Omega™ membrane, which is available in a variety of MWCOs
  • Color-coded and laser etched for easy identification

Pall Life Sciences

Anaerobic Work Station
Booth 718

  • Features ergonomically designed arm ports for maximum reach and comfort
  • Includes a removable shield for easy introduction of equipment, cleaning and maintenance
  • Features a rapid Auto-Purge Pass Box for introducing Petri plates, specimens and supplies (purge time is less than 50 seconds)


Robotic Assay Workstations
Booth 1447
Zymark TPW3 and APW3

  • Designed to prepare and analyze pharmaceutical solid dosage forms and intermediate granulations
  • TPW3 features a high-shear homogenizer to disperse samples in a vessel containing 20 to 100 mL or 50 to 500 mL of solvent
  • APW3 processes samples in 16 mm x 100 mm tubes



Reporting Software
Booth 3053
ACD/Spectrus Processor

  • All-in-one processing and reporting software for NMR, LC/MS, IR and other analytical techniques
  • Supports more than 150 data file formats from most major instrument vendors
  • Lets users process analytical data from multiple techniques in one interface
  • Provides assistance with routine chemical structure confirmation

Advanced Chemistry Development

Software for Analysis of Target Compounds
Booths 1322 & 1323

  • Designed to automate and improve detection and measurement of multiple target chemicals in complex GC-MS data sets
  • Works with chromatograms of worst-case complexity; e.g. with high numbers of analytes of varying concentrations
  • Automatically detects hundreds of target compounds in one run


ERP and Chemical Management Software
Booth 3472

  • Features a tabbed Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
  • Compatible with Crystal Reports and SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Includes real-time access to filtered data
  • Lets users import/export XML or other formats using XSLT

Accelerated Technology Laboratories

Chromatography Data System(CDS)
Booth 2861
Chromeleon® 7.1

  • Provides centralized data storage and license management, network failure protection and efficient administration
  • New compliance tools include System Suitability Testing and Electronic Signatures
  • Supports LC and GC instruments from Agilent, Waters and Shimadzu
  • Method speed-up wizard generates UHPLC methods from HPLC methods for faster chromatography


Data Analysis Software
Booth 2468
NavPilot II©

  • Designed for proprietary LabNavigator™ handlheld analytical meter
  • Features direct-to-PC file transfer via a USB cable that eases integration to a LIMS
  • Collects data from a wide range of sensor types, such as pH, ORP, ISE, colorimeter, turbidity, spectrophotometer, conductivity, TDS, salinity, force or impact and gas detection

Forston Labs

SAP Connector
Booth 3671

  • Connect instruments and data systems such as ELN, LIMS and SDMS to SAP
  • Retrieve Inspection Lots from SAP
  • Extract almost any data in SAP and transfer it to lab systems
  • Supports SAP custom functions and custom fields


Mobile Lab Application
Booth 3671
Nexxis Mobile™

  • iOS4-based application that turns an iPhone or iPad into a “lab on the go”
  • Connects to instruments, LIMS and ELN
  • Use iPhone to review status of samples or experiments while in the lab or at home
  • Lets users collect data remotely while in the field


Chromatography Modeling Software
Booth 1522
DryLab® 4.0

  • Provides a platform for applying Quality by Design principles to method development processes in HPLC
  • Resolution Map plots critical resolution vs. chromatographic variable(s) to evaluate feasibility and identify optimum conditions
  • Alerts users of potential problems before they occur
  • Speeds the modification of existing methods for new equipment and columns

Molnàr Institute

Booth 3917
Element DataSystem®

  • Provides a seamless flow from sample logging to final report
  • Features extensive operational and compliance reporting
  • Includes real-time monitoring and embedded audit trails
  • A hybrid model is available for access and computation


Graph Digitizing Software
Booth 2916

  • Automatically converts scanned graphs into useful (x,y) data, using a simple drag-and-drop interface
  • Can be used to digitize journal graphs, strip chart output, old graphs or any other hardcopy graph
  • UN-SCAN-IT gel software is available for qualifying electrophoresis gel and TLC images
  • Available in versions for both Windows and Macintosh systems

Silk Scientific

Chromatography Data System(CDS)
Booth 1635
Empower™ 3

  • Features improved navigation between review and reporting applications
  • Lets users create sample tests post-acquisition
  • Additional calculation capabilities allow users to determine current signal-to-noise requirements according to regional Pharmacopeias in the U.S., EU and Japan

Waters Corporation


Gas Filter
Booth 2846

  • Spring-loaded valves automatically isolate inlet and outlet lines as soon as old unit is removed, and keep them isolated until a new unit is installed
  • Capable of removing up to 29 grams of water from an air stream at 20°C and 10% relative humidity while drying the gas to the dew point of -60°F


Grain Stabilized Platinum
Booth 4651

  • No structural change during annealing (recrystallization) for better mechanical resistance
  • Increase in tensile strength and yield strength as much as twofold, over regular platinum
  • Features a higher degree of chemical resistance over normal Pt alloys
  • Appliances made of FKS Pt can be used up to three times longer than those made of normal Pt alloys


Chromatography Vials
Booth 4634

  • Made of borosilicate glass, which has the lowest ion content possible
  • Feature air-tight, leak-free seals for safe sample transfer
  • Includes mix-and-match cap choices, including crimp, snap or screw, all with pure septa material, in pre-slit or non-slit formats


Dual-membrane Syringe Filters
Booth 4634

  • Prevents build-up and blockage of chromatography columns and frits, minimizing wear and tear on injection valves
  • Performs at higher capacity than nylon-only filters, and requires less hand pressure to filter the sample
  • Ideal for applications with highly viscous or particulate-laden samples


Inlet Liners
Booth 4335

  • Color-coded by linear geometry to simplify selection
  • Includes instrument-appropriate o-rings or sealing rings
  • Guaranteed for deactivation with greater traceability options
  • Unique packaging ensures contamination-free liners every time

SGE Analytical

Mass Spec Syringes
Booth 4335

  • Can be chosen to suit sample properties, such as acidic, basic, chelating or hydrophilic compounds
  • Feature long working life, improved solvent resistance, greater operational temperature range, reduced dead volume and reduced carry over, compared to similar syringes
  • Incorporate glass surface technology

SGE Analytical

Nucleic Acid Purification Kits
Booth 2835

  • Available for a range of sample types, from blood to plant material
  • Optimized for use with proprietary KingFisher magnetic particle processors, which enable fast and accurate purification of DNA or RNA, increasing efficiency for downstream analysis
  • Ideal for biotechnology, clinical, academic and pharmaceutical laboratories

Thermo Scientific

Injection Port Liners
Booth 2221
For GC

  • Reduce breakdown of Endrin and DDT during injections, while increasing the interval between liner changes
  • Produced by applying a highly crosslinked siloxane over a conventionally deactivated liner
  • Sold in packages of five; may be used with VICI, Agilent/Finnigan, Gerstel and Varian injectors

VICI Metronics

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CURRENT ISSUE - January/February 2025

Energizing Leadership in Action

The science-backed behaviors that help leaders inspire thriving teams and organizations

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