TOC Analyzers

A mainstay of environmental and quality control chemistry, TOC analyzers measure the carbon content of dissolved and particulate organic materials in water. The carbon measured may arise from any combination of living or dead organisms and chemical contamination. TOC often serves as a surrogate for more difficult measurements, for example, contamination from petrochemicals, solvents, pharmaceuticals, chlorinated industrial chemicals and pesticides. It can also act as a screen for additional analysis.

| 3 min read

A mainstay of environmental and quality control chemistry, TOC analyzers measure the carbon content of dissolved and particulate organic materials in water. The carbon measured may arise from any combination of living or dead organisms and chemical contamination. TOC often serves as a surrogate for more difficult measurements, for example, contamination from petrochemicals, solvents, pharmaceuticals, chlorinated industrial chemicals and pesticides. It can also act as a screen for additional analysis.

Top 5 Signs That You Should Replace Your TOC Instrument

Declining analytical performance.
Must be frequently re-calibrated.
Instrument is repeatedly down for troubleshooting or extended maintenance.
Parts, service, software updates, and consumables are becoming more difficult or expensive to obtain (due to obsolescence).
Instrument capability no longer meets regulatory, production, or quality requirements.

Top 5 Questions That You Should Ask When Buying a TOC Analyzer

Is the TOC technology suitable for your specific application or water conditions? Many TOC technologies may be suitable only for waters with a narrow range of organic or inorganic contaminants.
Are different models available to meet your current and future sampling needs (i.e. online, portable, laboratory)? Do these models use similar technology to simplify method transfer or data comparability from lab to online?
Does the company offer the documentation and support necessary to help meet applicable industry or government regulations?
What is the company’s level of experience supporting sales of TOC analyzers in your specific industry? Do they understand the unique challenges specific to your application?
What type of service, applications, and technical support are available during and after the purchasing process?

Recently Released TOC Analyzers

Sievers 900 Laboratory + GE Autosampler

  • Features automated calibration and validation procedures, 12-month calibration stability, and low maintenance requirements
  • Autoreagent adjustment feature eliminates the timeconsuming optimization process
  • Offers a 0.03 ppb to 50 ppm operating range and has a compact, 19.2-cm wide footprint
  • Can be used with the high-capacity GE Autosampler which features convenient user-defined random sampling capability

GE Analytical Instruments

BioTector B3500c

  • Designed and engineered to meet the requirements of clean water applications
  • Offers process insights, process incident alerts, environmental monitoring, energy optimization, product and water loss prevention, and boiler and plant protection
  • Only requires reagent replacement every 6 months
  • Able to monitor two streams at the same time, eliminating the potential double-cost of needing two separate analyzers


Multi N/C® 2100/2100 S

  • Equipped with an excellent injection technique for particle containing samples
  • Includes VITA®, the FR NDIR detector and catalytic high temperature combustion up to 950°C
  • Provides sample feed by valve- and septum-free direct injection
  • Upgradeable for simultaneous determination of TNb (ChD oer CLD)
  • Features auto-protection

Analytik Jena


  • Includes a wide sample range from 4 μ g/L to 30,000 mg/L
  • Consists of four models, including PC-controlled and standalone versions
  • Uses Shimadzu’s 680°C combustion catalytic oxidation method to efficiently analyze all organic compounds
  • Features automatic sample acidification and sparging, as well as an automatic dilution function that reduces sample salinity, acidity and alkalinity


TOC Analyzers Manufacturers

Analytik Jena

EST Analytical

GE Analytical Instruments


Mettler Toledo

OI Analytical

Parker Balston


Skalar Analytical


Thermo Fisher Scientific

TOC Systems



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