UV-VIS Spectrophotometers

Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry is arguably the most common as well as one of the oldest forms of absorption-based analysis. UV and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are contiguous: UV wavelengths range from 10 to 4000 angstroms; they are visible from 4000 to 7000 angstroms.

| 4 min read

Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry is arguably the most common as well as one of the oldest forms of absorption-based analysis. UV and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are contiguous: UV wavelengths range from 10 to 4000 angstroms; they are visible from 4000 to 7000 angstroms.

According to data from Strategic Directions International (Los Angeles, CA), the market for scanning UV-Vis spectrophotometers is approximately $400 million per year, with an annual growth rate of six percent.

Top 4 Signs that You Should Service or Replace Your UV-Vis Spectrophotometer


If monitoring against known standards suggests the spectrometer is not performing according to its design parameters, the instrument needs to be recalibrated.
Your current instrument does not provide the speed, ease of use, mobility, or reliability you need for your applications.
Sample prep with your current instrument is awkward and takes too much time. Based on the throughput of your lab, you may need an instrument with more automation.
You are experiencing problems with various system components such as mirrors, gratings, scanners, and other moving parts. This may mean replacing components or that the instrument simply needs to be cleaned.

Top 5 Questions You Should Ask When Buying a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

What applications will you be using the instrument for? This will help you determine the detection range you require. Don’t forget to consider future applications that may require a broader range.
What range of stray light performance are you comfortable with for your application and budget?
Consider what sort of samples you’ll be working with in order to determine what absorbance range you will need in your UV-Vis spectrophotometer. For example, if it is a turbid or concentrated liquid or a solid sample that is optically thick, you may require a working absorbance range between 5 A and 8 A or higher.
What level of throughput and reliability do you need?
How much will the instrument cost? Don’t forget to factor in the cost of maintenance, etc. along with the cost of acquisition.

Recently Released UV-Vis Spectrophotometers

EMBED Miniature Spectrometer

  • Provides excellent thermal stability and measurement reliability, yet is packaged with only essential electronics to reduce footprint and simplify integration
  • Onboard electronics provide fundamental spectral pre-processing and multi-channel capability, as well as native SPI communication support
  • Standard configuration includes a robust 2048-element CCD-array detector and selectable optical bench components

Ocean Optics

Cecil UV/Visible Spectrophotometers

  • Certain models now include free DataStream PC control software, free Validation software, free single cell Kinetics software and free automatic cell changer software as well as dust covers
  • Can be supplied with a wide range of additional features, such as pre-programmed Bioanalyses, temperature control, pre-programmed water testing methods, high performance wavelength scanning, multiple wavelength analyses, multi-component analyses, calibration curves and spectral derivatives


UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer Systems

  • Based on high quality spectrometer modules with spectral ranges from 190-2200nm and permanent wavelength calibration
  • Electronics have fast readout rates and high signal-to-noise
  • Light guides are matched to the systems and fiber-optic immersion probes or measuring heads can be included
  • All hardware is designed for process control environments


VS-7000-PDA Mini PDA Spectrometer

  • Features the most popular UV-VIS ranges in a miniature grating spectrometer, including UV-VIS (200–860 nm), VIS (380–750 nm), or UV-NIR (200–1050 nm)
  • Provides excellent peak symmetry at affordable volume pricing
  • Also features a colossal full well from 100 Me– to 1 Ge–, low noise (2.6 counts), high readout speed of 3.5 ms maximum, and highest signal-to-noise ratio of 10,000:1

HORIBA Scientific

UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Manufacturers


Analytik Jenawww.analytik-jena.com

Beckman Coulterwww.beckman.com



Buck Scientificwww.bucksci.com

Cecil Instrumentswww.cecilinstruments.com


GBC Scientificwww.gbcscientific.com

GE Healthcarewww.gelifesciences.com


Hitachi High Technologieswww.hitachi-hta.com

HORIBA Scientificwww.horiba.com/scientific

Ocean Opticswww.oceanoptics.com

S.I. Photonicswww.si-photonics.com



Thermo Fisher Scientificwww.thermoscientific.com


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