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Informatics Manufacturers List

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  2. AgileBio
  3. Agilent Technologies
  4. Aim Lab
  5. Ambidata
  6. Blomesystem
  7. Autoscribe
  8. Baytek International
  9. Aurora Systems
  10. Arxspan
  11. BioSistemika
  12. BIOVIA Dassault Systèmes
  13. Bruker
  14. CareData
  15. Chromperfect
  16. CloudLIMS
  17. Elemental Machines
  18. Computing Solutions
  19. MilliporeSigma
  20. Eppendorf
  21. EuSoft
  22. H&A Scientific
  23. HC1
  24. Jasco
  25. KineMatik
  26. KNAUER
  27. LabThruPut
  28. Lab-Ally
  29. LabArchives
  30. LabLite
  31. LabLynx
  32. LabVantage
  33. LabTrack
  34. LabWare
  35. LabLogic Systems
  36. Novatek
  37. PerkinElmer
  38. Promium
  39. PSS
  40. Psyche Systems
  41. Ruro
  42. Sapio Sciences
  43. SciCord
  44. Shimadzu
  45. SRI Instruments
  46. TetraScience
  47. Thermo Fisher Scientific
  48. Waters
  49. HighRes Biosolutions
  50. Bio-ITech
  51. Sunquest Information Systems
  52. CompuGroup Medical
  53. LigoLab Information System
  54. Third Wave Analytics
  55. Illumina
  56. BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
  57. RSpace
  58. HorizonLIMS
  59. Fink & Partner
  60. Accelerated Technology Laboratories
  61. BioData
  62. Agaram Technologies
  63. Ethosoft
  64. Interactive Software
  65. XiltriX
  66. BTLIMS Technologies
  67. QReserve
  68. L7 Informatics
  70. GoMeyra
  71. SoftTech Health
  72. Freezerworks
  73. GenoFAB
  74. LABY
  75. Caliber
  76. LIMS Wizards
  77. SciNote
  78. Wavefront LIMS
  79. Clinisys

CURRENT ISSUE - September 2024

The Power of Soft Skills

Transforming lab culture through effective communication and leadership

Lab Manager September 2024 Cover Image