
Many industries measure viscosity, though the biggest user is the quality control department using single-point measurement. Research scientists also use viscometers to see how a material reacts to being sheared. The task at hand determines the kind of viscometer to use— different viscometers measure different magnitudes of viscosity and different changes in it. According to one expert, the most important factor to consider when buying a viscometer is robustness, even if users have to give up some sensitivity.

| 4 min read

Many industries measure viscosity, though the biggest user is the quality control department using single-point measurement. Research scientists also use viscometers to see how a material reacts to being sheared. The task at hand determines the kind of viscometer to use— different viscometers measure different magnitudes of viscosity and different changes in it. According to one expert, the most important factor to consider when buying a viscometer is robustness, even if users have to give up some sensitivity.

Top 5 Signs That Your Viscometer Needs to be Serviced or Replaced

The instrument does not pass the leak test.
The measuring values of a known sample are incorrect.
Visible signs of leaking at one or more of the seals.
A strange (screeching) noise occurs when the motor starts up to the measuring speed.
If the relative deviation of the viscosity and/or the density is out of tolerance.

Top 6 Questions That You Should Ask When Buying a Viscometer

What kind of temperature control and spindle rotational speed control does the instrument offer? Temperature is critical, since viscosity generally rises as a fluid cools. Spindle rotation may also affect viscosity.
What range of accessories (ex. sample holders) does the company offer for the instrument?
How easy to use is the viscometer? Since most users nowadays aren’t experts, an easy-to-use instrument is probably the best fit for most labs.
What are the sizes of the samples you’ll be working with? This may be an issue when analyzing very expensive materials such as drugs or proteins and cost of ownership is also important for high-volume applications.
What is the instrument’s measurement range? If you’re analyzing petroleum, from crude oil to gasoline, do you want to change out the capillary for each measurement, or use something that works all the way through?
What kind of service and support does the company provide?

Recently Released Viscometer

Viscotek Viscometer Detector

  • Enhances GPC/SEC analysis for polymer development
  • Viscotek viscometers can be supplied as part of an integrated triple detector Viscotek GPC/SEC system or as an addition to any existing separation system
  • GPC/SEC is a central analytical technique for the analysis of proteins, polymers and macromolecules


Lovis 2000 M/ME Rolling-Ball Viscometer

  • Measures the rolling time of a ball through transparent and opaque liquids according to Hoeppler’s falling ball principle
  • Measurement requires only 400 μL sample volume
  • Compact and economical, and saves space in the lab
  • Results are given as relative, kinematic or dynamic viscosity
  • Provides first results after only 30 seconds


ReactaVisc RV3 Lab-Scale Viscometer

  • Now available in intrinsically safe versions certified for use in Hazardous Areas up to and including Zone 0 (explosive atmosphere continuously present), equivalent to Class 1 Division 1 Group A
  • Designed primarily for use in reaction vessels of virtually any capacity
  • Viscosity is measured every two seconds and displayed on the separate VP550L signal processor unit


DV2T Viscometer

  • 5-inch full color, touch screen display supports multiple languages
  • Displayed info includes: viscosity (cP/mP·s), temperature (°C /°F), shear rate/stress, % torque, spindle/speed, step program status
  • Features enhanced security with customizable user access, date/ time stamp file, password access, portable log-in settings
  • Built-in options include timed tests, data averaging, programmable QC limits/alarms, customizable speed/spindle lists, on screen data comparison

Brookfield Engineering

Viscometer Manufacturers

A & D Weighing

Anton Paar

ATS Rheo Systems

Brookfield Engineering

Cannon Instrument Company




Petrolab Company



Stony Brook Scientific

Wyatt Technologies


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