Live Air Date: Wednesday November 9, 2016
Today’s laboratories operate in an increasingly competitive and complex marketplace. As government mandated environmental regulations and consumer protections become increasingly stringent, laboratories are being required to meet higher levels of elemental analytical sensitivity and precision while public budgets are under permanent downward pressure.
For laboratories, method performance and fulfillment of regulatory and QC requirements are paramount, but laboratory efficiencies are likewise important for fundamental economic reasons. To meet today’s requirements for elemental analyses, ICP-OES is the technology of choice because ICP-OES instruments provide the sensitivity required for the determination of trace metals.
This webcast will concentrate on how laboratories can use modern ICP-OES instruments and related technologies to simplify sample analysis and save time.
As an attendee, you will learn more about:
- Determining the plasma technology that is best for a given analytical task
- Increasing the efficiency of ICP-OES elemental analysis
- Selecting the most suitable and time-saving sample introduction components
- Overcoming challenges with environmental applications
- Saving money with next generation ICP-OES technology
Olaf Schulz - Product Manager for ICP-OES, SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
Dr. Sergei Leikin - Managing Director, Texas Scientific Products LLC