Ultrapure water for food and beverage analysis by ion chromatography

Ensuring Accuracy and Safety in Food and Beverage Through Water Purification Practices 

Water contaminants can dramatically impact the readout of food and beverage testing, making pure water of the utmost importance 

Water serves as a critical component in various stages of food and beverage production, from ingredient preparation to final product formulation, but the presence of impurities in water used during these processes can contaminate samples, reducing the likelihood of reliable results and maintenance of product safety and quality standards. Contaminated water can lead to false positives or negatives, which can have severe consequences for food and beverage manufacturers, including product recalls, damage to brand reputation, and legal liabilities.

Laboratorians must employ rigorous quality control measures, including regular water testing and purification processes, to mitigate the impact of water impurities on food and beverage testing. By prioritizing water purity, analysis integrity and consumer confidence in the safety and quality of food and beverage products can be upheld. 

Download this white paper to explore:

  • The importance of ultrapure water for IC analysis
  • The impact of water on food and beverage testing
  • The many impurities that can negatively impact testing outcomes 
  • A case study displaying the importance of water purity in the food and beverage testing industry 
Ultrapure water for food and beverage analysis by ion chromatography


  • MilliporeSigma Logo

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CURRENT ISSUE - January/February 2025

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