Laura Braden
Articles by Laura Braden

When people become severely burned, there are limited options available to repair the skin and tissue that have been affected. People must undergo painful and tedious surgery and skin transplants to repair the damaged skin and tissues. Stratatech Corp., a Madison, WI based company, has been focused on creating new treatment options for severe burns and recently developed new human skin tissue called StrataGraft that was used to heal severe burn wounds in 30 patients during a recent clinical trial.

MicroRNA (miRNA) play an important role in controlling different processes that occur in cells through gene regulation. These small molecules are able to regulate many cellular processes by reducing target amounts in the cells. There are more than 1,900 locations in the human genome that are known to produce these miRNA molecules.

Movies like "Happy Feet" and "March of the Penguins" often remind us of how cute penguins are in the cold, Antarctic conditions where they live. These movies, however, fail to mention another species of penguin that reside in warmer climates and is slowly dying out: African penguins. Although they are on track to be extinct within the next 20 years, the Pueblo Zoo in Colorado and Colorado State University, Fort Collins recently performed cancer treatments on the oldest living African penguin in the world, ensuring that the penguin will be healthy enough to live a longer life.