Articles by Sharon Parmet, University of Illinois at Chicago News Office
Sharon Parmet, University of Illinois at Chicago News Office
The chemical, patentiflorin A, is derived from the willow-leaved Justicia, and was identified in a screening of more than 4,500 plant extracts for their effect against the HIV virus
The findings may help reduce cancer by driving policy to lower pollution in areas with high cancer rates linked to the environment
In 2015, one-quarter of Americans reported eating gluten-free, a 67 percent increase from 2013
New procedure allows scientists to turn kinases on, and then off—providing a powerful tool for studying the effects of kinases as they actually work in the body
Findings may mean better cell function in engineered tissues and organs
Researcher finds a clear association between findings of no adverse health outcomes and financial conflicts of interest among the researchers conducting those studies.
As research funding from the National Institutes of Health and other federal agencies shrinks, cooperation among the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Northwestern University and the University of Chicago is expanding.