Gel Electrophoresis

Top 5 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Gel Imager/Gel Documentation System

| 3 min read

Top 5 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Gel Imager/Gel Documentation System

Accurate quantitation is a struggle due to lack of sensitivity or inability of your software to report pixel saturation.
It is difficult and time-consuming to find the perfect zoom, focus, and exposure, and to save these settings for repeatability.
Your current system is complicated to operate, imaging of simple gels takes more than a few seconds, or the unit requires hands-on training of new lab personnel.
Your system’s hardware and software is no longer compatible with the latest operating systems.
The imaging system no longer meets the needs of your applications.

Top 5 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Gel Running System

Your tank does not match your gel running throughput, reducing your current laboratory efficiency.
The inner buffer chamber of your current tank leaks buffer during runs.
You are getting inconsistent results between gel runs.
Handcasting accessories originally included with your system are missing or broken.
Your current running system does not match your gel size requirements or allow you to run both precast and handcast gels when needed.

Top 9 Questions You Should Ask When Buying Electrophoresis Equipment and Gels

How many gels, per experiment, can you run at once in a single electrophoresis cell?
Can you run handcast and precast gels with the same electrophoresis equipment?
Can you blot in the same tank as you run the gels?
How fast can you run a set of gels with optimal performance?
How fast can you visualize your proteins in the gel?
Do you need any special buffers or sample buffer to run your gel?
Does a precast gel give you the same separation as a handcast gel?
How fast can you transfer proteins from your gel to a membrane?
How efficiently can you transfer your high MW proteins from your gel to a membrane?

Recently Released Gel Electrophoresis Products

GS-900™ Calibrated Densitometer

  • Part of the new Biologics Analysis Workflow ™ for faster, easier, and more reproducible purity assessment of protein-based therapeutics in cGMP-regulated environments
  • Autocalibration prior to each run ensures consistency and accuracy
  • Wide dynamic range improves purity estimates by allowing for impurity detection at low optical density (OD)


SUBHT Submarine Gel Electrophoresis Unit

  • Runs an entire 96-well plate of samples (plus up to 24 control or marker lanes) in 30 minutes
  • Multi-channel pipette compatible
  • Well spacing and labeled gel running tray ensure positive ID of loaded samples
  • A large selection of different combs and accessories allows you to optimize this unit for your particular application

Hoefer, Inc.

Eco-Line Electrophoresis

  • Modular tank system for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and blotting
  • Includes glass plates with fixed glass spacers
  • Features integrated cooling option
  • Casting system for one or two gels
  • Comes with two-year warranty


CL-150 Series UV Viewing Cabinet for Gel Analysis

  • Enables lab technicians to view, analyze and photograph fluorescent samples with both epi-illumination and trans-illumination light sources
  • 25-watt white light bulb in the cabinet provides visible illumination for easy sample preparation
  • Accommodates large electrophoresis gels and up to four 8 x 8” (20 x 20cm) TLC plates


Gel Electrophoresis Product Manufacturers


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