
Turning a sample into a suspension—the essence of homogenizing—occurs in a wide range of laboratory applications. In life science and clinical research, scientists often homogenize tissue samples for various analytical studies.

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Turning a sample into a suspension—the essence of homogenizing—occurs in a wide range of laboratory applications. In life science and clinical research, scientists often homogenize tissue samples for various analytical studies.

Top 5 Signs That You Should Service or Replace Your Homogenizer Generator Probes

The most important component of homogenizing is your generator probe—the item that actually goes into your sample.
Your sample is getting hot and the generator probe or motor unit is hot to the touch.
There is black residue in your sample.
You aren’t getting the same homogenizing results you used to.
Some of the inner components, such as PTFE bearings, look worn or overly discolored.
Your generator probe is seizing up.

If you have never taken apart your generator probe for a good cleaning, then
chances are that some maintenance is required.

Top 6 Questions That You Should Ask When Buying a Homogenizer

How does this homogenizer differ from the competition? What makes it superior in quality and cost effective for the scientist?

What accessories are necessary to run the unit? Are there pre-assembled bead kits to use that will simplify the homogenization process?

Does the company offer demo units for the scientist to test out?
Does the company offer application and technical phone support before/after the product purchase?
Ask about replacements in case the product parts break down with use.
Finally, ask about cost of the purchase, installation charges and warranty extension costs.

Recently Released Homogenizers

PRO Universal Homogenizers

  • Hand-held homogenizers, post-mounted homogenizers and programmable homogenizers with the ability to homogenize various volumes (.03ML to 20L) at speeds of up to 30,000 RPM offered
  • New preselected economic packages help users choose the homogenizer that best suits their needs
  • Packages include options for a variety of volumes and sample types

PRO Scientific

T 25 Digital ULTRA-TURRAX®

  • For volumes of 1 to 2.000 ml (H2O)
  • Three types of shaft bearings available
  • Standard version offers digital display
  • Rotor-Stator configurations have delivered 30 years of proven comparability test results
  • Can be used for a variety of applications including homogenizing waste water samples and dispersion tasks under vacuum / pressure


Bullet Blender Storm

  • Breaks down 24 tissue samples simultaneously within minutes
  • Comes standard with built-in Air Cooling™ Technology to keep samples cool during powerful homogenization
  • Simple user interface and two settings—time and speed— allow scientists to multitask homogenizing soft cell types
  • Prevents sample to sample cross contamination
  • Comes with 2-year warranty; manufactured in the USA


Bead Ruptor

  • Combine maximum power with a broad array of processing accessories
  • Quickly grinds, lyses, and homogenizes biological samples with high processing power
  • Provides an efficient, consistent, high-yield and quality homogenization usually in less than 40 seconds
  • Can simultaneously homogenize multiple samples in either 2mL, 7mL, 35mL or 96-stripwell tubes

Omni International

Homogenizers Manufacturers

Branson Ultrasonics www.bransonultrasonics.com

Glas-Col www.glas-col.com

Hielscher Ultrasonics www.hielscher.com

IKA www.ika.com

KINEMATICA www.kinematica.com

Microfluidics www.microfluidicscorp.com

MIDSCI www.midsci.com

MP Biomedical www.mpbio.com

Omni www.omni-inc.com

Precellys www.precellys.com

PRO Scientific www.proscientific.com

QIAGEN www.qiagen.com

Qsonica www.sonicator.com

Sartorius BBI Systems www.sartorius.com

Sonics & Materials www.sonics.com


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