Laboratory informatics can be used to manage inventory, keep track of maintenance schedules, maintain staff training records, monitor instrument status, and store valuable experimental data. Many companies offer easy-to-use, innovative solutions in addition to custom software, so you have the exact capabilities you need. For a list of informatics manufacturers, see our online directory:
6 Questions to Ask When Buying Laboratory Informatics Solutions:
- What functions do you need from your informatics solutions?
- Will a more standard solution work for you or do you need something more tailored?
- Can the vendor work with you to configure the software to fit your exact needs?
- Can the software be scaled up as your needs grow?
- Will the software integrate with the instruments in your lab or software already in use?
- What support and training are available from the vendor?
Management Tip
Informatics tools can help to store and organize your lab’s top asset—data—but how protected is the data from security threats? Lab managers should take the time to learn from their organization’s IT department about in-house servers and capabilities, and whether a cloud-based approach to storing data is a better alternative.
Purchasing Tip
When searching for an informatics solution, look for software that is highly configurable. When implementing the system, you’ll want to be able to tailor the software to your needs and workflows rather than being confined to its pre-set capabilities. Over time, configurable software will be able to adapt as your needs change without having to implement a new system.