Why is a custom biosafety cabinet so important for automated equipment?
It is easy to see whether a biosafety cabinet can physically contain equipment inside the work zone. It is less obvious whether it provides proper airflow containment around that equipment. Furthermore, most cabinets were not designed to support the weight and data or power connections of automated devices.
An undersized work zone can invisibly disrupt airflow
A standard biosafety cabinet can be dangerously ineffective even if it is physically large enough to contain your equipment. Turbulent airflow inside an undersized work zone can compromise protection and cabinet function.
A properly sized work zone improves airflow dynamics
A biosafety cabinet purpose-built for lab automation equipment, however, is engineered to create an interior volume large enough to both contain the equipment and allow for proper air movement.
A customized cabinet allows for better device integration
A custom biosafety cabinet also enables superior mechanical integration of the automated device. They can be customized with options such as a hinged front window for easier device installation, cord pass-throughs to connect power and data cables, and a reinforced work surface to support heavier models.