Content by Brown University
Promising electrolyte for designing better lithium batteries has nanostructures that act like micelle structures do
| 3 min read
Researchers created a solution to a nanoscale resolution challenge that has for decades limited the study of materials
| 3 min read
New research reveals previously unexplored dynamics of single skyrmions for generating random numbers
| 3 min read
Researchers probe anyons by measuring subtle properties of the way in which they conduct heat
| 3 min read
New study suggests that the Martian subsurface might be a good place to look for possible present-day life on the Red Planet
| 3 min read
New findings could be critical in understanding the climate of early Mars
| 3 min read
In a recent paper, researchers show a method for smashing individual metal nanoclusters together to form solid macro-scale hunks of solid metal
| 3 min read
A recent study used computer models to simulate the airflow inside a compact car with various combinations of windows open or closed
| 5 min read
Equipped with no widespread formal guidelines on securing voluntary consent in the internet age, scientists are designing big experiments that can, and often do, cause harm, researchers argue
| 3 min read
Studying the mineral olivine could help scientists understand the early evolution of the Moon, Mars, and other planetary bodies
| 3 min read
New strategy to double the toughness of a ceramic material could be useful in bringing solid-state batteries to the mass market
| 3 min read
Using computer modeling, researchers were able to look deeper into why layering enhances toughness in some materials and not others
| 3 min read
A team of researchers has shown that Cooper pairs can also conduct electricity with some amount of resistance, like regular metals do
| 3 min read
A new study shows that the rover's Jezero crater landing site is home to deposits of hydrated silica, a mineral that just happens to be particularly good at preserving biosignatures
| 3 min read
DNA isn't the only game in town when it comes to molecular data storage
| 3 min read
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