Content by California Institute of Technology
Combination of new space-time metasurface and nanostructured antennas points the way to future wireless communication channels
| 4 min read
Previously detected blobs of unusual material in the Earth's center could be the remains of an ancient planet
| 3 min read
The new, knotted materials absorb more energy and are harder to damage than unknotted material
| 3 min read
New error-detection method takes advantage of the way quantum information is scrambled
| 3 min read
Researchers develop a framework that mimics the rules in nature's growth patterns
| 3 min read
New model examines how coastal ocean currents increase Antarctic ice shelf melt
| 3 min read
Faults once thought to be 'creeping' yet stable may be at risk for big ruptures
| 3 min read
The material is constructed from so-called black phosphorous, which is similar in many ways to graphite
| 4 min read
Proof-of-concept project paves the way for the integration of molecules with computer chip
| 4 min read
A crucial part of the global effort to stem the spread of the pandemic is the development of tests that can rapidly identify infections in asymptomatic people
| 3 min read
Researchers have discovered that seismic rumblings on the seafloor can provide them with another tool for monitoring the temperature of ocean waters
| 3 min read
Researchers gain new insights into how the wide, molecularly diverse range of species on Earth can all use the same mechanism of gene activation
| 3 min read
Lihong Wang has adapted his picosecond imaging technology to take pictures and video of transparent objects like cells and phenomena like shockwaves
| 2 min read
Researchers have developed a reporter gene that allows them to see genetic activity using ultrasound, which can penetrate deeply through tissue, instead of light
| 4 min read
Eight species of nematode discovered in the lake's harsh conditions
| 3 min read
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