Content by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
These new gene-edited tomato plants look nothing like the long vines you might find growing in a backyard garden or in agricultural fields
In recent research, scientists found that neural networks become more focused as mice got better at performing a trained task
Scientists are now making the case that the knowledge and tools exist to facilitate the next agricultural revolution we so desperately need
Researchers have already concluded that a mere one percent of the human genome is made up of the genes that make the proteins our bodies need to grow and function
The discovery paves the way for developing personalized medicine approaches to target this previously unnoticed form of the disease
Research team hopes to apply the same strategy to increase grain production in related plants that are vital in the global food supply, such as rice, corn, and wheat
A vast new genetic resource created by a team led by Doreen Ware, PhD, of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, will accelerate efforts to develop new rice varieties
The precise relationship between the protein "blueprints" encoded in genes and the amount of protein a given cell actually makes is by no means clear
Human ORC complex captured in action in X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM