Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, in short FHI, is an international research place where scientists from all over the world investigate the basic principles underlying the chemical conversion of matter and energy at surfaces and interfaces. In particular interfaces with liquids represent an area of enormous relevance in science and applications that will gain importance in future research at FHI. For this sizeable “terra incognita” in interface science, new and novel suitable methodologies for studying liquid interfaces will be developed.Content by Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
New method converts CO2 into methanol, paving the way for alternatives to fossil fuels
| 2 min read
Precise control of atomic twist motions allows for novel means of designing solar cell material
| 2 min read
New method allows for specific, independent control of right and left handed enantiomers
| 2 min read
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