Content by GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Until now, certain biomarkers, the "protosteroids," have been overlooked as fossil witnesses to primordial life
| 4 min read
Radiocarbon measurements on the remains of 42,000-year-old New Zealand kauri trees provide the basis for better calibration of geological archives of this period
| 4 min read
In recently published findings, scientists show how one of the largest mass extinctions in Earth's history unfolded
| 3 min read
The team led by Sami Nabhan of the Freie Universität Berlin studied ancient rock formations from South Africa's Barberton greenstone belt
| 2 min read
In Western Europe, only a few small areas remain where the night sky remains relatively unpolluted, including areas in Scotland, Sweden, Norway, and parts of Spain and Austria
| 3 min read
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