Content by National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
NIH-funded research project develops new method to preserve human livers for transplantation
NIH researchers combine two microscope technologies to create sharper, faster images
NIH-funded scientists create adult-like cardiac model for drug testing
Concerns about currently-used contrast agents spur studies to find safer options
Vaccines that bind to body’s own albumin move technology closer to eventual use in humans
With NIBIB-funded technology, ultrasound monitors whether treatments are working
NIH scientists improve efficiency, speed, and resolution of optical microscopy
SWIFT magnetic resonance tool assures removal of nanoparticles from rewarmed samples
NIH-funded study results suggest more complex gene interactions and regulation
A technique used by astronomers and 2D microscopes now helps scientist see 3D samples at super-resolution
The method is an alternative to needle-and-syringe immunization; with further development, it could eliminate the discomfort of an injection as well as the inconvenience and expense of visiting a flu clinic
Imaging fingerprint can map critical cell changes several days sooner than current method
A collaboration of nanoengineers and electrical and computing engineers at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla combined their expertise to create the small device