Content by University of Central Florida
New liquid gel transforms into a spongelike antimicrobial foam to stymie bleeding and preserve lives
| 4 min read
Antimicrobial peptide from cows has potential for treating incurable infections caused by common intestinal bacteria
| 3 min read
Researchers achieved up to 97 percent accuracy in identifying promising drug candidates
| 2 min read
A team from the observatory publish their findings ahead of Asteroid Day
| 4 min read
Researchers seek to better understand the aerodynamic forces of landing an aircraft
| 2 min read
Researchers have discovered 116 new-to-science alleles that could play a role in protecting sea turtles
| 3 min read
The study analyzed tide gauge observations along coastlines in Europe
| 4 min read
Hustle is often glorified as the key to success, but new research shows this endless grind can negatively impact both entrepreneurs' health and their businesses
| 2 min read
Researchers based in Florida may have just unlocked a new way to collect evidence from skid marks left by cars
| 3 min read
Sneezes from people who have congested noses and a full set of teeth travel about 60 percent farther than from people who don't, according to a new study
| 3 min read
The method uses infrared light spectroscopy and can be used in a portable, tabletop device
| 2 min read
Using historical data from tide gauges that line US coasts, researchers created an extreme sea level indicator
| 2 min read
Frogs are facing what may be a mass extinction as a result of disease
| 3 min read
Some employees who are abused by their bosses resolve not to repeat that pattern with their own subordinates
| 2 min read
Covert sensing of objects around a corner may soon become a reality.
| 3 min read
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