Content by University of Maryland School of Medicine
University of Maryland School of Medicine study sheds new insight into causes and potential treatment for placental disorders like preeclampsia and preterm birth
High-dose cholera vaccine developed by UMSOM scientists shows promise for controlling outbreaks
Study uncovers a previously unknown molecular bridge between sleep and memory
Research in mice could have implications for human brain disease
Discovery by University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers could lead to more cost-effective genetic diagnoses, targeted treatments
Study uses cutting-edge technique to image the process of neuronal transmission
Study discovers molecular pathways that may lead to treatments
Discovery could eventually lead to new and better treatments for insomnia and jet lag
Researchers at the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have been awarded a research program contract from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to sequence, assemble, and annotate a population of bacterial pathogens using two high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies in support of the expansion of a vetted public reference database.
Institute for Genome Sciences led pioneering investigation in new field of microbial forensics