University of Washington School of Medicine

UW Medicine faculty, non-faculty practitioners and staff work to improve health for all people through excellence in clinical, research and education/training programs. With these integrated programs, UW Medicine health professionals provide the most up-to-date care for each individual patient, lead one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive medical research programs, and provide innovative learning programs for students, trainees, and practitioners in the health professions. As the only comprehensive clinical, research and learning health system in the five-state WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) region, UW Medicine provides a higher degree of healthcare, ranging from primary and preventive care to the most highly specialized care for the most complex medical conditions.

Content by University of Washington School of Medicine

A snake looks out of the log it's inside of
| 3 min read
3D render of a tan RNA strand against a blue background
| 3 min read
Woman sits in bed, stretching, as morning sunlight streams in through her window
| 3 min read
An illustration showing umbrella-shaped antibacterial toxin particles drifting toward and engaging a bacterial target cell. The toxins are  derived from Streptomyces and potently inhibit the growth of competing species in the same genus.
| 3 min read
A rocket taking off
| 2 min read
Female researcher in PPE Looking down microscop in lab next to computers
| 2 min read
Two dimensional image of a blue double helix made on a computer
| 4 min read
Page 1 of 1 - 7 Total Items

CURRENT ISSUE - January/February 2025

Energizing Leadership in Action

The science-backed behaviors that help leaders inspire thriving teams and organizations

Lab Manager January/February 2025 Cover Image