Content by Wake Forest University
When the male bearded manakin snaps its wings at lightning speed, it's more than part of an elaborate, acrobatic mating ritual
Science educators at Wake Forest University are testing how automated feedback combined with new one-on-one teaching methods can improve scientific writing from STEM undergraduates
While continued work in this area is needed to replicate and extend these exciting findings, they do suggest that what we eat as we age could be critically important to the maintenance of our brain health
Why and how women and minorities abandon STEM majors has been the focus of a series of studies by Amanda Griffith, associate professor of economics at Wake Forest
Wake Forest University students use mealworms to address global problems
Students and professors develop a novel way to help those with visual impairment
A fresh pair of eyes can often bring a different or new perspective, especially when it comes to science and research.
New technology could help make deforested land fertile once again
Say goodbye to that annoying buzz created by overhead fluorescent light bulbs in your office or residence hall. Wake Forest scientists have developed a flicker-free, shatterproof alternative for large-scale lighting.