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SBS and ALA Unite as Sections of the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening

Effective July 1, 2010, two of the world's leading scientific membership organizations, the Society for Biomolecular Sciences (SBS) and the Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA), are now one. SBS and ALA are united as Sections of the newly formed Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) an inclusive worldwide organization dedicated to advancing scientific research and discovery through laboratory automation and screening technology.

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Effective July 1, 2010, two of the world's leading scientific membership organizations — the Society for Biomolecular Sciences (SBS) and the Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA) — are now one. SBS and ALA are united as Sections of the newly formed Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) — an inclusive worldwide organization dedicated to advancing scientific research and discovery through laboratory automation and screening technology.

Each Section — the Biomolecular Sciences Section (SBS) and the Laboratory Automation Section (ALA) — will continue to pursue their current mission while collectively addressing the SLAS mission: to provide forums for education and information exchange to encourage the study of, and improve the science and practice of, laboratory automation and screening.

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As we transition through these next few months, we thank you for your loyalty and sincerely appreciate your contribution. We are also deeply committed to demonstrating the value of membership in SLAS. Please be assured that we are available to answer questions and that, for the time-being, contact information remains the same:



Learn more about the merger of SBS and ALA by visiting

Source: Association for Laboratory Automation

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