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Support for Scientists Impacted by the War in Ukraine

DOE provides supplemental funds for hosting students and scientists impacted by the conflict in Ukraine

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The United States Department of Energy’s Office of Science has issued the following statement:

The ongoing war in Ukraine presents incredible, heartbreaking challenges to both the country and its people and will continue to do so long after the conflict is resolved. Many universities and research laboratories have been heavily damaged, and it may take years to fully restore Ukraine’s scientific infrastructure.

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While the people of Ukraine have many needs, the Department of Energy (DOE)’s Office of Science (SC) can provide a safe and supportive environment for students, post-doctoral researchers, and scientists to continue their research in mission-relevant disciplines. In this time of crisis, we remind our currently-supported researchers that supplemental funds may be requested to accelerate scientific discovery by hosting or collaborating with students and scientists who have been impacted by the conflict, pursuant to the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) identified below. DOE will work with other US Government agencies to coordinate logistical details, such as visas, as needed.

Through these supplements, SC aims to protect the well-being and livelihood of students and scientists impacted by the war by maintaining strong connections to the worldwide scientific community. Ultimately, SC seeks to better position these students and scientists to help rebuild science programs on their eventual return to Ukraine.

DOE encourages you to consider hosting a student or scientist impacted by the war to advance your SC-funded research. Supplements to financial assistance awards can be requested to enhance ongoing research efforts by supporting students and scientists at US institutions or by supporting remote collaborations for students and scientists already located at European institutions. Supplemental requests can be submitted through in response to the currently available SC Open Call (Continuation of Solicitation for the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program,, currently DE-FOA0002562). Please contact if you have questions or would like to participate but do not have connections to displaced students or scientists. Requests for supplemental funds will be reviewed on a rolling basis with rapid response.

Guidance for Supplemental Requests

  • Supplements may be requested for no greater time than the time remaining on the award, to a maximum of one year; extensions beyond one year may be considered if circumstances are warranted.
  • Costs requested must conform to all institutional policies relating to recruitment, visas, relocation, and subsistence. The research narrative only needs to describe how the additional personnel will contribute to the ongoing research.
  • Only provide a biographical sketch (or sketches) for the additional personnel.
  • Do not submit current and pending support, or a data management plan unless they have substantially changed since the last new or renewal application. 
  • Supplements may be requested to place personnel in currently funded research groups, or to support subawards to new institutions, including European institutions, that complement currently funded research groups.
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