Behavioral Sciences
Recent study reveals exploratory behavior acts as a driver for evolution, finds caution is linked to specific genes
| 3 min read
Research gives insight into importance of sleep on cognitive performance and emotional well-being
| 2 min read
Setting goals can help individuals better sustain attention and reduce attention lapses
| 2 min read
People are shown to be good at detecting another person's epistemic goals just by watching them
| 2 min read
Researchers have examined 1.2 million criminal incidents and developed an innovative method to identify patterns
| 3 min read
Researchers suggest the effect could be due to a greater concern among men over how other people will see them
| 2 min read
Research on people and society to suffer as platforms limit access to user data
| 3 min read
Special issue brings together 18 research papers to examine how a wide range of animals process food
| 2 min read
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