carbon nanotubes
Engineers use of carbon nanotubes to prevent cracking in multilayered composites may lead to next-generation aircraft
| 4 min read
Rice University scientists discover delayed phenomenon in carbon nanotubes
| 3 min read
While scientists have been able to grow individual CNTs approximately 50 cm in length, when they attempt arrays, or forests, they hit a ceiling at around 2 cm
| 2 min read
Research is aimed at reducing barriers to wider electric vehicle adoption, including cutting the cost of ownership and improving the performance and life of components
| 3 min read
Rice lab makes case for high-performance carbon nanotube fibers for industry
| 3 min read
A new North Carolina State University study finds that a carbon nanotube film has a combination of properties that make it an appealing candidate for next-gen smart fabrics
| 3 min read
Texas A&M and Essentium, Inc. researchers have developed a way to more effectively weld adjacent printed layers together
| 3 min read
Toward realization of lightweight and high strength structural materials
| 4 min read
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