Harvard University
Connections are properly ‘rewired,’ recognized, say researchers
Scientists design bacteria reliant upon synthetic amino acids to contain genetically modified organisms.
Step-by-step observations will help scientists enhance bone-marrow transplants.
It’s ‘survival of the fittest’ as bacteria colonies pump out chemicals faster than ever.
Women exposed to high levels of fine particulate matter specifically during pregnancy—particularly during the third trimester—may face up to twice the risk of having a child with autism than mothers living in areas with low particulate matter, according to a new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). The greater the exposure, the greater the risk, researchers found. It was the first U.S.-wide study exploring the link between airborne particulate matter and autism.
Findings pave way for research that focuses on detection and prevention.
Extremely thin membrane is "rapidly rising star."
Through commands, autonomous devices arrange selves into vast, complex shapes.