Stitching together four molecules found in the standard flu vaccine ensures an immune response to all of them
Researchers develop a drug-like molecule that blocks the first stage of influenza A
| 3 min read
A new antibody discovered in the blood of some people vaccinated against or infected with influenza can recognize a broad variety of flu viruses
| 3 min read
New therapy appears to stop replication of both flu viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19, and could be easily delivered at home
| 4 min read
Scientists at Osaka University develop a label-free method for identifying respiratory viruses based on changes in electrical current when they pass through silicon nanopores
| 2 min read
Salk and Yale study of influenza could inform vaccines for COVID-19 and other lung diseases
| 3 min read
Scientists found that baloxavir dramatically reduced the time someone with the flu is contagious for, suggesting a similar drug should be prioritized for COVID-19 treatment
| 2 min read
If a suitable reagent is developed, this technology could be used to detect antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the causative virus of COVID-19
| 2 min read
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