The new reactor on a grey background


For highly exothermic or fast, mixing-dependent reactions. GSM reactor blocks produce an efficient, turbulent mixed reagent stream that is not diffusion dependent.

Tube-in-Plate Reactor for Flow Chemistry

Novel Tube-in-plate reactor provides a cost-effective alternative to glass static mixer

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Uniqsis has introduced a novel Tube-in-plate (TIP) reactor, designed for synthetic chemistry experiments requiring efficient heat transfer. This innovative TIP reactor serves as a cost-effective alternative to glass static mixer (GSM) reactor blocks, particularly in highly exothermic or fast, mixing-dependent reactions. Unlike GSM reactor blocks, which, though highly efficient, can be prone to blockages due to their narrow internal channels, the TIP reactor addresses these challenges by embedding narrow bore perfluoro polymer tubing into an aluminum block, covered with a removable glass plate for easy maintenance. With a 9.5ml internal volume, this versatile TIP reactor is suitable for both photochemistry and conventional thermal reactions and is fully compatible with Uniqsis HotChip, ColdChip, PhotoChip, and Polar Bear Plus GSM reactor modules.

This article is a summary of a published press release

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