Live Air Date: Thursday November 15, 2012
Tune into our live educational webinar to hear Dr. Charles R. Lytle from the Bureau of Environmental Services at the City of Portland Water Pollution Control Laboratory share his experiences with their legacy water purification system and the changes brought about after investing in a new water purification system. Also learn more from technical expert Dr. Estelle Riché, senior scientist with Lab Water at Merck Millipore, France, who will provide deeper insight into water purification technologies and explain how to select the appropriate one for your laboratory.
Analytical Strategies for Achieving Low-Level Analyses: Purified Reagent Water
Charles R. Lytle, Ph.D., Bureau of Environmental Services, City of Portland Water Pollution Control Laboratory
Topics to be covered:
- Optimizing instruments and conditions to achieve low detection limits
- Overview of legacy water system and its challenges
- Attempts at corrective actions and their outcomes
- Present day solution and key takeaways
Selecting the Best Solution for Your Laboratory Water Needs
Estelle Riché, Ph.D., Senior Scientist with Lab Water at Merck Millipore, France
Topics to be covered:
- Information about laboratory water contaminants
- Insights into how these contaminants may affect your experimental results
- Information about the various purification technologies available to remove these contaminants
- Advice on how to select the best water purification solution for your laboratory