BaySpec, Inc., a Silicon Valley-based spectral sensing company, introduces its latest products, i.e. GoldenEyeTM and BreezeTM.
The new GoldenEyeTM is the only Snapshot imager covering the extended range from 400nm to 1700nm. Using FT-PI BaySpec’s proprietary technology, the novel imager features high sensitivity as compared to other imagers, and is particularly suitable for low light level applications, such as fluorescence imaging. It’s ability to simultaneously measure fluorescence emission with multiple bands (42-50 bands) makes it particularly useful for real-time monitoring of biological events, such as molecular interactions.
BaySpec introduces the world’s smartest Palm spectrometer for 400-1700nm with a simple one touch of button operation. Featuring proprietary miniaturized optics, BreezeTM is highly efficient for maximum sensitivity with ultrafast acquisition. For the first time, a smart device delivers laboratory performance but in a handheld form. This smart device allows for wireless communication to any smartphone via Bluetooth interface. The phone app allows users to setup their own databases for sample analysis. With available data library, this palm device can perform quantitative and qualitative analysis at any time and at anywhere for plastics, illicit drugs, pharmaceuticals, explosives, biological warfare agents, medicine, food, and other materials.