Centrifuge Buyers Guide

Centrifuge Buyer's Guide

9 Questions to Ask When Buying a Centrifuge

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9 Questions to Ask When Buying a Centrifuge

  1. What g-force do you need?
  2. What additional features and benefits does this specific centrifuge offer?
  3. What are the terms of the warranty and how long does it last?
  4. If the company discontinues the product, for how many years is it possible to obtain accessories and replacement parts?
  5. In addition to the purchase price, what are the overall costs of ownership such as lab installation, service contracts, supplies, training, maintenance, and warranty?
  6. How much space will the centrifuge take up?
  7. What are the ergonomic features to look for?
  8. Can you control or monitor the centrifuge remotely?
  9. What are the environmental benefits or features?

Safety Tip

Without proper preventive maintenance and good laboratory procedures, the centrifuge can become a safety hazard to laboratory workers. The rotor is especially important to look after. This part will eventually wear down after continuous use. A routine visual check of your rotor is necessary to detect any type of rotor fatigue (cracks, bulges, or corrosion) that can lead to the eventual failure of the rotor and significant damage to your centrifuge.

Helpful Links

For all you need to know about centrifuges, see www.labmanager.com/centrifuges 


Is it time to replace your centrifuge? Learn what signs to look for in our recent video:Labmanager.com/centrifuge-replacement
And, for how to choose the best centrifuge for your application, see:
LabManager.com/ centrifuge-video


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