CURRENT ISSUE | VOLUME 11 - ISSUE 7 | August 2016
2017 Product Resource Guide
Your go-to source for technology trends and analysis, product offerings, and manufacturer listings
Editor's Buzz
Whether you’re online or offline, Lab Manager has you covered when it comes to making the best product purchases for your laboratory.
Purchasing Guides
Automated liquid handlers come in a seemingly endless variety of configurations, with many different specifications
Many considerations need to be taken into account when purchasing a balance
A wide variety of baths and chillers are available which can accommodate temperature sensitive samples.
Understanding the types of samples being handled will determine the type of BSC required
For samples and processes which have large or varying volumes, a floor standing model may be a better fit
The sample matrix can have an effect on the type of surface chemistry that is applied to the column being used
The number of workers utilizing the incubator and the scope of tests being run can strongly affect the type of CO2 incubator used
The costs of running the unit, as well as sample type, are key determining factors when purchasing
Different sizes of nucleic acids and proteins will directly affect the type of gel and, as a result, the tank that is ideal for the process
As it does with most lab instruments and equipment, the sample plays a major role in which evaporator will be best for your lab
Two main configurations exist for lab freeze dryers
Key deciding factors in fume hood selection
Important things to think about when purchasing a GC
The overall size of a laboratory and the number of instruments present will play a significant role in the design and type of gas generator required
Glassware washers come in a variety of configurations and sizes
Homogenizers come in a variety of configurations, including handheld and bench-mounted models with a variety of probes to match the correct sample type, and test tube strikers for clinical and tissue applications
A variety of different detectors exist for HPLC / UHPLC systems, and there are many other considerations when purchasing
Modern informatics systems come in a variety of different types and configurations to suit any researcher’s needs
For laboratories with a fixed number of samples and testing capabilities, a traditional setup may be ideal
Depending on the intended use, there are a variety of oven types to choose from
Depending on the type of sample being analyzed, as well as the analytical interests of the researcher, there are some configuration options which should be considered beforehand
Depending on the scope and processes of the laboratory, there are a number of microplate technology options available
Things to think about when buying a microscope
The sample type and solution into which it is placed can have an effect on the type of lab microwave used
The type of sample—usually its hardness or malleability—can have a significant impact on the type of mill or grinder needed
Three key aspects to focus on when picking the best pH meter for your lab
The viscosity of the sample will have a direct influence on which pipette is required
If the sample matrix may change down the road, it may be wisest to go with a more robust EPA and SPE system which can handle all types of solvents
It all comes down to the sample
Three things to ask about when buying a UV-Vis instrument in particular
As volumes can vary from sample to sample, purchasing the right size of stirrer or mixer is one important consideration
For laboratories with high sample volumes and an increased need for faster turnaround times, automating the titration process may be the way to go
Different processes require varying amounts of vacuum or flow to operate properly
Different labs have different water requirements
Knowing the history of the pre-owned instrument you’re purchasing is very important