Request for Proposals
January 6, 2012 solicitation
Project Period: May 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
The New Hampshire Innovation Research Center (NHIRC) is seeking proposals for partnership projects between New Hampshire companies and academic institutions. The NHIRC’s mission is to foster innovation in companies so they may be more competitive by developing new products or processes. Applications are particularly encouraged in the following areas: Biomedical/Biotechnology; Engineering; Information Technology; Life Science; Materials Science; Manufacturing, excluding clinical studies.
The primary outcome of the NHIRC is to attract, grow, and retain companies in the state.
Program Overview & Guidelines
Proposal Application [pdf]
Notice: The New Hampshire Legislature reduced the NHIRC program funds to $200,000 per year for FY12 & FY13. Therefore, this will be the only RFP during this funding cycle.